
(Brit Brogaard @BritHereNow)

*Status of Consciousness in Nature*

There is much more to be said about the combination problem and theories 
that posit micro-phenomenal qualities at the fundamental level of reality. 
However, the combination problem, as James envisaged it, is most obviously 
a problem for certain classical theories that take consciousness to be 
present in all aspects of reality. It doesn’t threaten theories that take 
micro-phenomenal qualities to be one among many fundamental properties.

*In Search of Mentons: Panpsychism, Physicalism and the Missing Link*
Panpsychism, Godehard Brüntrup and Ludwig Jaskolla (eds), Oxford University 
Press, 2018.

This chapter proposes a version of constitutive panpsychism. Under the 
condition that one accepts Chalmers’s arguments against type-B materialism, 
it argues that there are two contenders for explaining consciousness, the 
first being some version of strong emergence. She criticizes and finally 
rejects this kind of emergence. The second contender is panpsychism. 
Brogaard calls her proposal for a constitutive panpsychism ‘the theory of 
Mentons.’ Following Searle, it is argued that consciousness is best 
understood as a field-phenomenon according to which the unified field of 
consciousness changes as informational content is added or deleted from the 
field. Consequently, this version of panpsychism is not a form of 
state-panpsychism in which individual particulars bear mental properties. 
Mentons are construed as elementary particles that carry microexperiences. 
The chapter discusses different versions of the combination problem, which 
are answered by her account: the subject combination problem, the palette 
argument, and finally the revelation argument.


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