On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 4:27 PM Lawrence Crowell <
goldenfieldquaterni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Since quantum computers are in a superposition of various states a search
> down a branching tree, say a search along a maze, can be done in a
> superposition of states. This would appear to argue that a quantum computer
> can do an NP, nondeterministic polynomial or non-polynomial, problem in P
> time and space. Not quite, for in order to read the outcome there must be
> classical signals transmitted on state preparations and so forth. This
> means quantum computers are polynomial, but considered to be "bounded
> quantum polynomial." This means they are a considerable speed up, but not
> exponentially so.

I think that's a very reasonable assumption but it has not been proven, it
hasn't even been proven that a conventional algorithm running on a
conventional computer that would produce a exponential speedup does not
exist; however very recently something interesting HAS been proven by Raz
and Tal. This new result does not prove a quantum computer could solve all
nondeterministic polynomial time problems in polynomial time but it does
prove that even if, to virtually all mathematicians astonishment, it turned
out that P=NP and even if we found an algorithm that could solve NP
problems on a conventional computer in polynomial time there would STILL be
a class of problems a conventional computers couldn’t solve efficiently but
a quantum computer could. This new class of problems is very exotic and
it's so new nobody knows yet if they are of fundamental interest in
themselves or if they're interesting for no reason other than that a
conventional computer can’t solve them but a Quantum Computer can.
Polynomial-time quantum algorithms can not be simulated by classical
algorithms in polynomial-time

John K Clark

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