
I wonder what you think about Milo Wollf proposals? There is not a lot 
crittical elaborations of his statemants on the internet.
Here is one and very brief:

And here are his statemants in few words:

"The proposals of Clifford and Schroedinger were correct that an electron is a 
continuouswave structure in space, not a material particle, and point particles 
and electromagneticwaves are merely appearances (schaumkommen).The Schroedinger 
wave functions mustbe interpreted as the electron itself, not as 
probabilities.Many classic paradoxes,including, ‘renormalization’, 
wave-particle duality, and Copenhagen uncertainty, nolonger occur because they 
were caused by the notion of a material particle that does not
exist.There is no causality violation because the in-waves are real and do not 
runbackwards in time.
The wave medium - the space around us - is the ONE source of matter and the 
naturallaws.Because the waves of each particle of matter are inter-mingled with 
the waves ofother matter and all contribute to the density of the medium, it 
follows that every chargedparticle is part of the universe and the universe is 
part of each charged particle.Althoughthe dominant portion of each particle 
wave lies near the center, every wave structurereaches to infinity.
Principle II (extended Mach principle) states that the stars and galaxies of 
the universeare essential to the laws of Nature and to the existence of the 
Earth and ourselves.Thisimportant fact is not presently familiar to the physics 
community.For example, thepresent Physical Society Standard Model of the 
universe contain no recognition ofMach’s Principle, our dependence on the 
universe, or the interrelationships of matterthroughout the universe.But it is 
unthinkable that the Earth, and us, could exist withoutthe presence of other 
cosmological matter.
The propagation of light in a fiber is a quantum-wave energy exchange 
betweenmolecules at the input device and molecules at the receiving device.The 
fiber serves toguide the exchange of waves between them.This truth of Nature 
will profitably replacethe misleading photon ‘bullet’ which served only to 
calculate energy conservation.
There is a dark side to the development of science.It is tempting to imagine 
scientists asnoble pioneers, questing for the greater good of humanity, and 
transfixed by thewonderful mysteries of the world.However the day to day 
history of nearly every radicaldiscovery tell an entirely different story 
portraying a community that usually votes itspocketbook.Scientists are no 
different than you or I.Recognizing this will helpunderstand why the science 
community had not avidly sought the Wave Structure ofMatter.It takes a long 
time to dispel treasured scientific illusions even though followingthe path of 
the discrete particle led science down a dead end street.".


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