On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 1:54 AM John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Academic discussion?  Mr. Kellett, please stop pretending you have
> demonstrated a deep and profound understanding of this subject that others
> lack, you have done the exact opposite. After saying something as obviously
> true and obviously silly as "*Bell did not assume counterfactual
> definiteness*" your pretence of intellectual superiority makes you look
> even more pompous and ridiculous.

I can provide many references which claim that Bell did assume
counterfactual definiteness, and this is the reason why his theorem does
not apply in many-worlds theory. One prominent example is a paper by
Baylock (arXiv:0902.3827). Baylock thinks that counterfactual definiteness
is one of the minimal assumptions behind the derivation of Bell's
inequality. But Baylock's attempt to show exactly how Bell's supposed
assumption of counterfactual definiteness led him astray, so that there can
be a local explanation of the violation of the inequalities, is

You equate 'realism' with counterfactual definiteness. That means, of
course, that quantum mechanics is not a realist theory -- which is a rather
extreme view, given the empirical success of the theory. To claim that it
does not represent reality is a rather absurd claim. Maudlin
(arXiv:1408.1826) points out that it has become fashionable to say that
another way to avoid Bell's result and retain locality is to abandon
'realism'. I think you have said much the same on occasion. Maudlin goes on
"But such claims never manage to make clear at the same time just what
'realism' is supposed to be, and just how Bell's derivation presupposes it."

I think it is better to stick to the commonly accepted view of scientific
realism -- the definition I previously gave from Wikipedia. In which case,
as Carroll and most others claim, many-worlds is the paradigm 'realist'
approach to quantum mechanics the wave function encapsulates what the
external world is 'really' like.


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