On Friday, November 29, 2019 at 12:33:26 PM UTC-6, Philip Thrift wrote:
> On Friday, November 29, 2019 at 7:30:57 AM UTC-6, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
>> On Thursday, November 28, 2019 at 11:56:57 PM UTC-6, smitra wrote:
>>> On 29-11-2019 01:00, Bruce Kellett wrote: 
>>> > On Fri, Nov 29, 2019 at 1:45 AM Lawrence Crowell 
>>> > <goldenfield...@gmail.com> wrote: 
>>> > 
>>> >> On Thursday, November 28, 2019 at 7:55:14 AM UTC-6, Philip Thrift 
>>> >> wrote: 
>>> >> 
>>> >>> But Sean Carroll says there are multiple Sean Carrolls that come 
>>> >>> into being as the MWI branches, so whatever charge Sean Carroll 
>>> >>> now has is "replicated" in World x and World y, and then the 
>>> >>> multiple Sean Carrolls go do their own things independently. 
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> That's exactly what he says happens. 
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> @philipthrift 
>>> >> 
>>> >> Really there are no duplicate Carroll's or Crowell's or anyone else. 
>>> >> There are amplitudes for such with a distribution given by a 
>>> >> decoherent set, and phenomenologically any of these in such a branch 
>>> >> "renormalize" the probabilities to one. It is not so much that I 
>>> >> branch and am duplicated, but that I am also existent in other 
>>> >> branches. 
>>> > 
>>> > That is sheer sophistry. If energy, charge, and other conserved 
>>> > quantities, are conserved in each branch, and the number of branches 
>>> > increases exponentially as it does in MWI, then the total amount of 
>>> > these quantities also increases, and  you, and everything else, is 
>>> > duplicated in every branch. If you treat branch weights as 
>>> > probabilities, and then calculate an expectation value over branches, 
>>> > then that expectation value is constant. But that is just a 
>>> > single-world theory. 
>>> > 
>>> > Bruce 
>>> That total amount has no physical meaning. Different branches are 
>>> analogous to different moments in time in a single universe setting in 
>>> the block universe view. All that happens in the MWI is that instead of 
>>> one successor universe you have multiple ones. But it's not that God is 
>>> continuously destroying universes and creating new universes using the 
>>> energy of the old universe. If it were like that then God would not be 
>>> able to implement the MWI, but this is not how it works. All the future 
>>> and past states are equally real and time evolution is just an 
>>> information conserving mapping. 
>>> Saibal 
>> A summation of energy or any other quantum number can make sense in a 
>> local frame. In particular if this local frame can be considered, at least 
>> to some reasonable degree of approximation, as a closed system then it is 
>> reasonable to be concerned over this sum. The thing people are concerned 
>> about is the resetting of probability for a particular branch, which is a 
>> ψ-ontological procedure similar to such a resetting of probability in 
>> the ψ-epistemological method of the collapse. 
>> LC
> In any case, in the case of MWI, in the types of examples Sean Carroll 
> talks about, here's a concrete case:
> *In one branch, Sean Carroll goes out for a jog around the park.*
> *In another branch, Sean Carroll; stays home and takes a nap.* 
> I don't see how the two Seans (running, napping) are in "superposition", 
> or how Sean's energy is distributed to and within these two worlds.
> @philipthrift

It really is not so much that a person is in a superposition than the 
quantum particles and states that compose them are.


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