*How Mathematics Meets the World, by Tim Maudlin*


Essay Abstract

The most obvious explanation for the power of mathematics as the language 
of physics is that the physical world has the right sort of structure to be 
represented mathematically. But what this in turn means depends on the 
mathematical language being used. I first briefly review some of the 
physical characteristics required in order to unambiguously describe a 
physical situation using integers, and then take up the much more difficult 
question of what characteristics are required to describe a situation using 
geometrical concepts. In the case of geometry, and particularly for the 
most basic form of geometry— topology—this is not clear. I discuss a new 
mathematical language for describing geometrical structure called the 
Theory of Linear Structures. This mathematical language is founded on a 
different primitive concept than standard topology, on the line rather than 
the open set. I explain how some other geometrical concepts can be defined 
in terms of lines, and how in a Relativistic setting time can be understood 
as the feature of physical reality that generates all geometrical facts. 
Whereas it is often said that Relativity spatializes time, from the 
perspective of the Theory of Linear Structures we can see instead that 
Relativity temporalizes space: all of the geometry flows from temporal 
structure. The Theory of Linear Structures also provides a mathematical 
language in which the fact that time is a fundamentally directed structure 
can be easily represented.


The standard answer derives from the standard mathematical tool used to 
describe the most basic geometrical structure of a space. If that 
mathematical tool, that mathematical language, is to provide an accurate 
characterization of the geometry physical space or physical space-time then 
physical space-time must have a structure corresponding to the fundamental 
concept in the mathematics. And a different mathematical language, built on 
a different primitive concept, requires that physical space-time have a 
different structure if it is to be accurately described. I will argue that 
standard geometry has been built on the wrong conceptual foundation to 
apply optimally to space-time. I will sketch an alternative geometrical 
language, and explain how it could directly reflect the structure of the 
physical world.
Physicists seeking such a mesh between mathematics and physics can only
alter one side of the equation. The physical world is as it is, and will 
not change at our command. But we can change the mathematical language used 
to formulate physics, and we can even seek to construct new mathematical 
languages that are better suited to represent the physical structure of the 
world. The Theory of Linear Structures, whatever else its virtues, provides 
and example of how this can be done. If it is correct, then we might see 
how the time itself creates the geometry of space-time, and also makes 
space-time exactly the sort of thing that is well described using this 
mathematical language.


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