On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 12:25 PM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

> On 26-06-2020 03:24, Bruce Kellett wrote:
> > On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 9:31 AM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:
> >
> >> On 14-06-2020 01:30, Bruce Kellett wrote:
> >>>
> >>> There seems to be something wrong with this. QFT is equivalent to a
> >>> picture in which there are independent SHOs at every point in space.
> >>
> >> This is false, the SHO are only independent in momentum space, not in
> >> real space where they are coupled via the (nabla phi)^2 term which leads
> >> to nontrivial spatial correlations.
> >
> > The (nabla phi)^2 term does not get you energy fluctuations. As I
> > understand it, we imagine an independent SHO for each mode (k value,
> > or energy) at every spacetime point.
> > For each mode separately, these
> > oscillators are coupled, basically because a momentum eigenstate
> > (single value of k, or single mode) is a plane wave over all space.
> > But because the modes are not coupled to each other, there can be no
> > fluctuations of energy. A real field value is a superposition of
> > independent modes (independent degrees of freedom).
> That energy is not located, so you can end up with non-smooth energy
> distribution.

Plane waves have the same energy everywhere. The superpositions of modes
that would be required to get a non-smooth energy distribution cannot arise

>> Where else would the propagator of
> >> the free field theory come from if is weren't for this term?
> >
> > The free-field propagator comes from the Green's function
> > corresponding to the creation of a particle at one point and its
> > annihilation at some other point. When one does a perturbation
> > expansion of this Green's function (in terms of Feynman graphs, for
> > instance), there are coupled terms, corresponding to the tree diagram
> > plus corrections,  and the so-called vacuum "fluctuations", which are
> > the non-coupled diagrams to all orders. These non coupled diagrams are
> > all of strictly zero net energy, and contribute at most an overall
> > phase to the amplitude. In no circumstances does any of this give rise
> > to conservation-violating "energy fluctuations".
> Total energy is conserved, that doesn't mean that there cannot be local
> fluctuations.

This physics is local, with local energy conservation, so your statement is
absurd. Show me the Feynman diagram that violates energy conservation!

>>> If these are all in their lowest energy state, then the field is in
> >>> its lowest energy state. Excitation of one or more of the oscillators
> >>> corresponds to the presence of more energy (and particles). The higher
> >>> energy configuration can be analysed in terms of the modes, which are
> >>> the plane waves of determinate wavelength. If you start with a smooth
> >>> field with all the oscillators in their ground state, this lowest
> >>> energy configuration persists until some energy is added from
> >>> somewhere.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Consequently, the usual mythology about quantum fluctuations is not
> >>> true.
> >>>
> >>
> >> While it is true that reasoning based on uncertainty principle are not
> >> rigorously correct, they are only used to illustrate the effect
> >> qualitatively.
> >
> > The trouble is that such heuristics are generally the only motivation
> > given for the introduction of "fluctuations" . One paper I saw
> > recently went so far as to say that it involved the exchange of
> > virtual photons, which could only travel as far as allowed by the UP
> > limit on their lifetime. It is nonsense like this that should be
> > stamped out. If there is a rigorous derivation of energy-violating
> > "quantum fluctuations", then I have yet to see it -- such terms do not
> > arise in the conventional perturbation approach to QFT.
> >
> >> The theory as published in the literature is based on
> >> rigorous treatment based on standard QFT.
> >>
> >>>> So quantum fluctuations cannot cause spatial variations in the field.
> >>>>
> >>>> False, this doesn't follow from the above. Also it the opposite has
> been
> >>>> demonstrated in a massive body of literature on this subject to which
> >>>> thousands of experts who are all extremely well versed in QFT have
> >>>> contributed to.
> >>>
> >>> Can you point me to some recent key papers?
> >>
> >> See e.g. here:
> >>
> >> https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.251302
> >
> > This does not give anything rigorous for the origin of fluctuations,
> > it simply compares and contrasts two possibilities in the context of
> > inflation.
> >
> > Bruce
> Recent articles will not publish a rigorous derivation, you need to read
> the cited references and then perhaps the cited references in those
> articles to get to the original articles that date back from the early
> 1980s.

In other words, you do not have any idea how to make this rigorous either.

But the fact that there are two possibilities according to the
> experts in the field, shows that your argument is wrong (because it is
> elementary, if it were correct it would have been noted very early on in
> the development of inflation theory and no one in that field would
> invoke quantum fluctuations as a possible source of density
> fluctuation).

Your naive faith in authority is touching -- I am a lot more sceptical. If
energy density fluctuations can arise spontaneously, then show me how!


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