On Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 1:55:15 PM UTC-6, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
> I looked at the precession question, wrote it in WORD and then posted it 
> in the wrong thread. A big line of anti-virus defense is working off-line. 
> I do a lot of work locally and pop on and off the internet. I try to never 
> leave my machines on-line with an open port for anyone or any bot to enter 
> to cause mischief.
> With this the question is odd. How something moves in free and flat space 
> and spacetime is just determined by its initial conditions.
> LC

If one starts with SR and zero curvature of spacetime, and places a test 
particle in that spacetime spatially at rest, how will spacetime tell 
matter how to move if spacetime isn't curved? AG 

> On Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 9:05:57 AM UTC-5 agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
>> On Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 5:30:36 AM UTC-6, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
>>> The periapsis or perihelion advance of Mercury is largely a result of 
>>> classical perturbation theory in classical mechanics. About 10% of the 
>>> perihelion advance could not be accounted for by perturbation methods in 
>>> classical mechanics. 
>>> This has to be admired in some ways. Finding the ephemeris of Mercury is 
>>> tough, for the planet makes brief appearances near the sun in mornings and 
>>> evenings. Finding an orbital path from its course across the sky is not 
>>> easy. The second issue is that perturbation methods in classical mechanics 
>>> are difficult. These were developed arduously in the 19th century and Le 
>>> Verrier worked on this to find the planet Neptune from the perturbed motion 
>>> of Uranus in 1848. These methods were worked on through the 19th century. 
>>> The later work of von Zeipel and Poincare were used to compute the 
>>> periapsis advance of Mercury, but there was this persistent 43arc-sec/year 
>>> that resisted these efforts.
>>> It was general relativity that predicted this anomaly in ways that are 
>>> far simpler than the classical perturbation methods. This post-diction of 
>>> GR was an initial success in the theory, followed up shortly by the 
>>> Eddington expedition that found the optical effects of GR in a solar 
>>> eclipse in 1919.
>>> LC
>> I appreciate your grasp of the history, but you haven't answered my 
>> question and don't seem aware of what it is (plus you posted your reply on 
>> the wrong thread). AG 
>>> On Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 3:49:28 AM UTC-5 agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> On Saturday, August 1, 2020 at 10:35:09 PM UTC-6, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>>>> In flat space, which is tantamount to assuming the absence of gravity, 
>>>>> and non-zero curvature, a body placed at spatial coordinates x,y,z, will 
>>>>> move because t increments. But if there is zero curvature, in which 
>>>>> direction will it move? That is, how is the direction of motion 
>>>>> determined? 
>>>>> TIA, AG
>>>> CORRECTION; above, I meant to write, " ... which is tantamount to 
>>>> assuming the absence of gravity and ZERO curvature, ... "   AG

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