Scott Adams, the Dilbert Cartoonist and social philosopher was mentioning this 
just yesterday, on his Periscope and Youtube brooadcast (#1146?) and comparing, 
as he has in the past, with his own mental changes while taking steroids. He 
mentioned the tweeting in caps, the optimism, that he though he may have seen 
in The Donald (Now to be called the leader of America, hereafter) etc. On the 
demonstrated conspiracy by the members of the Obama administration in spying 
and then trying to Peach, based on false FISA info, this is legally 
uncontestable John. Having said, this, if nothing is done, nothing is done. 
Kamala, is basically what the democrat party has become, a hodgepodge of 
liberals/socialists/communists. This is why they left me, a kind of nationalist 
guy, seeing nationalism as the best path forwards (Temporarily) forward the US 
middle class. Now, when the technology of the world changes (something you have 
placed a personal investment in!), then we can rightly, change the economic 
system and yes, political. Right now, it's oligarchs all the way down, to quote 
Sagan, for today, John.
 If we can jazz up AI and quantum computing to drive vast improvements in 
engineering, chemistry, transportation, and materials science (like me saying 
chemistry twice here!), then it will change the way nations and peoples live! 
What I forecast as more sensible (my best guess) are lots of mini-Singularities 
going forward in time, rather than one big juicy one, that'd thrill Kurzweil 
and Vernor Vinge. Now, we have to get past Team dems' great slobbering love 
affair with Chairman Xi style of government--and this looks to not be doable 
with significant social conflict. Call this, The Resistance (Hilly's) versus 
the Rubes, The Insurgents. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Sent: Thu, Oct 8, 2020 2:06 pm
Subject: Trump is on drugs

Trump is taking the powerful steroid dexamethasone and it is known to cause 
mental side effects such as paranoia, aggression, agitation, anxiety, 
irritability, depression, psychosis, hallucinations, and grandiose delusions. 
That may explain the hour long phone rant on Fox this morning which was 
unhinged even by Trump standards. He started with "I am a perfect physical 
specimen and I'm extremely young" then Trump said members of his own cabinet 
were turning against him including FBI Director Christopher Wray, Secretary of 
State Mike Pompeo, and even his pet Attorney General William Barr who he said 
would go down in history as "a sad situation" because he didn't prosecute 
Trump's political rivals. Trump said Biden and Obama and Hillary Clinton should 
all be indicted immediately for some vaguely specified crime and if Barr didn't 
do it he would do it himself. Trump said he got COVID-19 from Gold Star 
Families and twice said Kamala Harris was a "monster" and a "communist" and 
wants to "open up the borders to allow killers and murderers and rapists to 
pour into our country." Trump concluded with one of his golden oldies, a 
diatribe about Hillary Clinton's email server from four years ago.
 John K Clark-- 
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