Steven Weinberg is no more, since recently. I did appreciate very much his 
books on quantum mechanics, and also his introduction to quantum field 

I have mentioned more than once his work showing that if you delinearise a 
little bit quantum mechanics, not only you cannot make the parallel 
worlds/histories disappearing, but somehow, it makes possible to visit 
those parallel worlds, or, to use an image by Weinberg, to call your 
doppelgänger with a phone.

This provides a quantum and dual way to refute John Clark argument against 
the first person indeterminacy in arithmetic. John argue dans le parallel 
histories in arithmetic allows in principle the doppelgänger to meet, so 
that it is different from the indeterminacy on the superposition. But the 
point is that the indeterminacy calculus cannot change based on such 
counterfactual, unless adding magic to Mechanism, but then Mechanism is 
false by definition. A dual counterexample based on this work by Weinberg 
is that delineairsing a little bit the Schroedinger equation, in such a way 
that the indeterminacy remains unchanged, makes the doppelgänger 
accessible, like with the classical duplication, and yet does not change 
the calculus of indeterminacy different, illustrating once again you need 
to add magic to Mechanism to avoid, like in quantum mechanics, the first 
person indeterminacy.

A more serious difficulty is to make people understand the original paper 
of Turing, Church, Post, which shows (along with Gödel) that the 
arithmetical reality is (more than) Turing complete. This follows from 
understanding arithmetic, or, at a more formal level, by understanding that 
all models of arithmetic have the same initials segment in which addition 
and multiplication stay Turing emulable (which is not the case in the whole 
non standard models. this requires a bit of mathematical logic, which is 
not well taught, when taught at all.

Once you grasp this, even without Mechanism, you can understand that the 
burden of the proof is in the hand of those who add some more axioms to 
arithmetic, like the existence of some "primitive matter" which have to 
justify its role in consciousness selection from arithmetic. In deductive 
theology, it is better to not add any ontological commitment before a 
reason is provided to it. Up to now, observation confirms mechanism. If 
they was one fact in favour of non mechanism, or in favour of something 
more than numbers, I would welcome it, but there are none, as far as I 
know. On the contrary, Everett QM confirms all prediction of classical 
Digital Mechanism, and explains furthermore the qualia and consciousness, 
as notion of knowledge imposed through self-reference and incompleteness.


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