[Philip Benjamin]
   I cannot read Putin's mind!! I simply presented some news clips. I also 
restated what I have done so many times that the West in  general has lost her 
"Awakened" moorings to Marxist pagan-Socialist-Fascist globalists. Philip 

From: spudboy...@aol.com <spudboy
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2022 8:36 PM
To: medinucl...@hotmail.com; everything-list@googlegroups.com
Cc: general_the...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened 
Consciousness Problem

Well, even Stalin ordered the churches reopened during the Great Patriotic War, 
when his deal with Adolf went sour because of Operation Barbarossa. Stalin 
re-opened the churches because he had never considered the upside of focusing 
on a great external enemy versus, as most socialists in the US now do, the 
Great Internal Enemy. This was why Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians to 
death during the 1930's in the Holodomor focusing on the Internal Enemy. The 
Reich SicherheitSdienst  took notice of Stalin's methods and applied these to 
their own program. Also Putin's hero, Stalin signed a nonaggression pact with 
Adolf in August 1939 and they both invaded Poland in September.

If you think that Putin is launching missiles in Ukraine because "God hates 
fags," you're probably inaccurate, That former KGB man Putin is attempting to 
protect Christianity from the inroads of "Teh Ghey" this also looks, sketchy. 
Rather, like Stalin, he just sees advantage in harnessing people's beliefs for 
the cause of his war and continuance of holding power.

It seems lastly that the Communists of the Russian Federation support Putin and 

So, Vlad plays both ends against the middle as Genghis Khan always did. In 
2022, Putin plays Xi's China versus Modi's India, with hopes of obtaining 
economic and political advantage. Same with communist atheists, and foreign 
nationalists as well. Wait! Isn't this what the Devil is supposed to do too??!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Benjamin <medinucl...@hotmail.com<mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>>
To: Everything List 
Cc: general_the...@googlegroups.com<mailto:general_the...@googlegroups.com> 
Sent: Mon, Apr 18, 2022 4:32 pm
Subject: Unspoken Reasons for Russio-Ukraine War: An Unawakened Consciousness 
[Philip Benjamin]  References given at the bottom.
  NYTimes.com: "Don't Just Freeze Russia's Money. Seize It. " The WAMP defined 
below knows that the unspoken reason for the Russo-Ukraine war is moral not 
political- an unenergized bio dark-matter twin body problem.
" Western nations commit genocide upon other countries that refuse to hold gay 
pride parades." Says the Orthodox Patriarch of Russia. "Ukraine's LGBTQ is 
forced to confront this as a threat to its own community" reports NY Times. 
Russia was frightened by the decrepit Western cultural onslaught on their 
traditional institutions especially the school systems. So they amend their 
Constitution to ban LGBTQ agenda. "Super Power" America & the West has long 
forgotten their 
Puritan-"Great Awakening" roots which have now become largely  a terra 
incognita (verisimilar to Judges 2:10). Instead they conformed to 
Marxist-Socialist-pagan globalism which Russia has rejected. The cowardice of 
unawakened consciousness created a leadership vacuum which Russia now 
presumably decided to fill.
Philip Benjamin
(Nonconformist to Marxist pagan globalism)

    NY Times. 
 "But the war that started when Russia invaded on Feb. 24 has forced Ukraine's 
L.G.B.T.Q. movement to confront a threat not only to national sovereignty, but 
also to its own community. A pro-Russian puppet government, they say, would be 
less supportive of the L.G.B.T.Q. agenda."
 Russian Orthodox bishop Kirill, the official Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow, 
came out with a rather wild claim about "the West" during a sermon, saying that 
Western nations commit genocide upon other countries that refuse to hold gay 
pride parades. No, really.
"In a sermon held on Sunday, Russian Church leader, Kirill justified Ukraine's 
invasion & blamed gay pride parades for Russia's invasion of the war-hit 
Ukraine". Written By Ajay Sharma
 March 8, 2022. "Russian Orthodox Church alleges gay pride parades were part of 
the reason for Ukraine war  From CNNs Delia Gallagher in Rome... Patriarch 
Kirill of Moscow, a long-time ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said on 
Sunday that the conflict in Donbas is about "a fundamental rejection of the 
so-called values that are offered today by those who claim world power." The 
"test" of which side you are on, said Kirill, is whether your country is 
willing to hold gay pride parades. "In order to enter the club of those 
countries, it is necessary to hold a gay pride parade. Not to make a political 
statement, 'we are with you,' not to sign any agreements, but to hold a gay 
parade. And we know how people resist these demands and how this resistance is 
suppressed by force," Kirill said during a sermon in Moscow. "
   Russia bans same sex marriages. Russian President Vladimir Putin has 
submitted a slew of proposed amendments to the country's constitution that 
include a mention of God and describe marriage as a heterosexual union.By 

To: Everything List 
Subject: Re: NYTimes.com: Don't Just Freeze Russia's Money. Seize It. "Come in 
Telmo! America to Telmo!!" Monday, April 18, 2022 9:42 AM

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