Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Scatology is WAMPology
[Philip Benjamin]
    Nothing is accomplished by pulling oneself up by one's own bootstraps. 
"Awakening" of an unregenerate mind, as in the case of the once pagan scholar 
Augustine,  is an instant extrinsic process.
   The WAMP however touts self-realization and self-esteem as products of 
fulfillment of one's own potentials, with no  need for any extrinsic power. An 
un-awakened irrational society is the nemesis of this democratic republic, good 
government being dependent on the wisdom of the electorate. The wisdom of 
Puritan America (howsoever imperfect the Puritans be) came from the Scriptures 
with the imprimatur of the Patriarchs, Prophets and the Apostles. Today the 
wisdom of the un-awakened masses come from WAMP-ology and the corrupt curricula 
of corrupt, illogical, lying educational establishments. Consider the use of 
the term "evolution". It is actually trans-speciation for which there is zero 
evidence either in the fossils or in the living. The un-evidential evolution 
qua trans-speciation is thus a big lie!! But it is peddled as gospel truth!! 
Teach youngsters the unalterable WAMP-erial lie that they are "beasts", then 
the hopeless and helpless among them, with no traditional family or community 
commonsense virtues, will certainly behave as beasts.  Only a Third Great 
Awakening is a historical antidote to the present malaise.
Philip Benjamin

['Rosemary ]..... Consciousness-Online 
Wednesday, June 8, 2022 2:43 PM Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: 
Scatology is WAMPology
We're doomed. With opposition like this we don't stand a chance
"Marxist-fascist utopia of mandates and dictates where loopy technocrats and 
pagan bureaucrats with the aid of brutish billionaires, all with "un-awakened" 
un-Augustinian consciousness decide with impunity people's fate on planet earth

How can billions of people ever succeed against this sort of overwhelming odds 
- there may be hundreds of them and what can billions - tens of billions even, 
do against these sorts of odds.
You've frightened us rigid, Philip, tell us what to do [x]

------ Original Message ------
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "<>" 
Sent: Wednesday, 8 Jun, 22 At 19:23
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Scatology is WAMPology
[Rosemary Rock Evans]
"But what has this to do with consciousness?" "........ but it does seem 
amazing that the head of a cigarette company should decide that being pregnant 
was taboo". Reference given below.
[Philip Benjamin]
NOTHING!! But everything with an "AWAKENED" consciousness. There is nothing 
taboo about "being pregnant", but expressions and cultural lingo reflect the 
state of individual mind or consciousness. This is where history of any 
civilization matters. Ancient pagan forms and descriptions of pregnant women 
are too vulgar perhaps even by the current cinematic standards. They represent 
the goddess of fertility of the land and its people (Egyptian, Greek, Roman, 
Asian etc.). Why the West did not continue these pagan expressions? The answer 
is "Augustinian Transformation" of Western culture into Patriarchal, Prophetic 
and Apostolic formats (post Athenian Mars Hill Discourse). The Western 
expressions of pregnancy were more respectful, circumspect, dignified and 
meaningful with familial affirmation- such as "family way" (nuclear family), 
"with child", "expecting" etc. A pregnant Virgin Mary picture will not be and 
cannot be similar to
ancient pagan pregnant goddesses.
Today in WAMP's woke culture of death, erstwhile ''un-awakened" politicians for 
slavery, "lynching", segregation, discrimination, Jim Crow laws etc. have 
morphed into baby killers, human traffickers, pagan supremacist socialist 
globalists open borders, eugenicists, social engineers, death panelists, GIGO 
kooky computer modelists, climatologists, manipulators of population reduction 
etc., in a Marxist-fascist utopia of mandates and dictates where loopy 
technocrats and pagan bureaucrats with the aid of brutish billionaires, all 
with "un-awakened" un-Augustinian consciousness decide with impunity people's 
fate on planet earth.
That is where an un-awakened Marxist-socialist-fascist Western woke culture of 
death stands tday. Only a Third "Great Awakening" can restore America to a 
"City on a Hill" (Genesis 12:3, Matthew 5:14) or the Augustinian City of Adonai 
(plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural). For science today what 
alternative is there to explain this other than the extrinsic energization of a 
nonelectric, nonentropic, resonant "bio dark-matter twin with its chemistry 
(chemical bonds of spin governed particle configurations), formed at the moment 
of conception.
Philip Benjamin
From: 'Rosemary via Consciousness-Online 
Sent: Monday, June 6, 2022 1:47 PM
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Scatology is WAMPology
I didn't know this!!! What an eye opener.

"I Love Lucy' star appealed to the head of Philip Morris

The bigwigs that backed I Love Lucy tried to negotiate with Arnaz and offered 
one or two shows revealing Ball's pregnancy, but he refused. He wanted to show 
Lucy and Ricky experiencing all the aspects of expecting their first child. 
Arnaz had a good rapport with Alfred Lyons, chairman of the board at Philip 
Morris, and personally contacted him via letter to lobby for the storyline. The 
actor also reminded Lyons that he and Ball were delivering a moneymaking show.

"I guess it all comes down to you," Arnaz wrote in his letter to Lyons. "You 
are the man who is paying the money for this show and I guess I will have to do 
whatever you decide. There's only one thing I want to make certain that you 
understand. We have given you the number one show in the country and, up til 
now, the creative decisions have been in our hands. Your people are now telling 
us we cannot do this, so the only thing I want from you, if you agree with 
them, is that you must inform them that we will not accept them telling us what 
not to do unless, in the future, they will also tell us what to do.

At that point, and if this is your decision, we will cease to be responsible to 
you for the show being the number one show on television, and you will have to 
look to your people, to the network, and to the Biow Agency for that 

I don't know what this has to do with WAMPs, but it does seem amazing that the 
head of a cigarette company should decide that being pregnant was taboo.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Philip Benjamin" 
To: "<>" 
Sent: Monday, 6 Jun, 22 At 19:04
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] FW: Scatology is WAMPology
[Philip Benjamin]
A historical example of the result of individual "awakened" consciousness en 
masse is the Augustinian Western Civilization, where even in the 60's the word 
"pregnant" was considered vulgar until actress, comedian, and producer Lucille 
Désirée Ball (August 6, 1911 - April 26, 1989) began to promote it as "descent" 
under the auspices of the WAMP who usurped the power of changing codes of 
decency ( same way as they instantly changed the colors from red to blue for 
Marxist States and Conties in two Christendom strongholds of Switzerland & 
USA). In the un-awakened WAMP's Woke culture of death anything is kosher !!!
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