I tend to agree, and as blue oyster shells were exchanged as currency in the 
South Pacific islands (Blue Oyster Cult- more, cowbell!), the Australian guy 
(with a fake Japanese name) invented The Coin. My own thinking is human 
inventiveness in the 21st century might create electronic currencies based on 
technological creations and their means to extract "Valued items," for what is 
now inaccessible? 
Examples?AI driving down the costs of recycling materials.Also-Mushroom 
building materialsThe Science And Art Of Sustainable Mushroom-Based Building 
Materials (forbes.com)Rare Earth Elements from dirty old coalRare Earths From 
Coal Ash Using A Coca-Cola Ingredient? Sandia Says Maybe (forbes.com)Lunar 
MiningThe Lunar Gold Rush: How Moon Mining Could Work (nasa.gov)If somehow, the 
demand for petroleum persists for decades more, the US has shale oil if we can 
figure out a magical way or extracting it?Oil reserves in the United States - 

There must be more examples? In any case, a currency based on expected 
extractable resources, especially renewable resources may work just fine! Back 
in the 70's A.C. Clarke used "solar's" for currency. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Crowell <goldenfieldquaterni...@gmail.com>
To: Everything List <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tue, Jul 12, 2022 11:26 am
Subject: The collapse of bitcoin

Currencies are in some ways just asartificial as cryptocurrencies. In fact, 
most everything humans chase after isspun up as whole cloth, from countries, to 
gods, to money to belief in comradesin arms and so forth. Most everything 
humanity does is ultimately fake. Moneyis stuff we just "make up." Even the 
value of gold is something we"make up." We might be better off if we stopped 
making this crap up. However, with currencies at least in arepresentative 
system the average person has some impact. The crypto-currencytrend has been 
the culmination of Milton Friedman's strange dream ofprivatizing almost 
everything. In that setting the average person only has asmuch power in the 
system as what they hold. An Elon Musk or Bezos etc hasvastly more and so they 
not only have more power, they have more power to getmore. A world of complete 
private forms of currencies is one that will lead toa sort of monetary 
feudalism. There will at some point be a few people,financial institutions and 
banks that own it all. They would come to be theoverlords of the world. The 
collapse of the cryptocurrenciesand bitcoin is something of some relief to me. 
The next dark age may beforestalled a few years at least. LC-- 
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