[Philip Benjamin]
 CO2 Cycle is also good for ~ 5.1 trillion tons of CO2 (from World Bank data 
for fossil fuel burning) for 150 years. What is good for the goose is good for 
the gander also!  Why this undue concern that is causing $5/g of gasoline?
Philip Benjamin
Subject: Re: FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As 
Augustin Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate

The Earth didn't survive 5000yrs WITH 383e12 tons of CO2, because there's a 
carbon cycle in which CO2 gets split and carbon gets sequestered in soil, 
plants, and rocks.  And what the hell would "recorded history" have to do with 
it.  Why not just multiply by 14 billion years if you just want a big number 
completely irrelevant to CO2 in the atmosphere.  Here was the flow estimated in 
2001.  The point is the system, however much vulcanism, was in equilibrium for 
those 5000yr before the industrial revolution.

On 7/15/2022 12:15 PM, Philip Benjamin wrote:
[Philip Benjamin]
     A couple more examples of pseudoscience from “Un-awakened 
1. Prof. Khiara Bridges calls Sen. Josh Hawley's questions about male pregnancy 
2. “Microsoft co-founder laments the direction the world is going and makes big 
promises to change the game… Pandemic, Ukraine war, climate change (The damage 
from climate change is already worse than most models predicted) The U.S. has 
taken a huge step backwards for gender equality and women’s health…”
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Socialist Fascist Marxist (SOFAMA) pagan globalism.
                   CC. Prof. Khiara Bridges
       About 150 years (50 years past & 100 years future) of fossil fuel use 
equals a meager ~ 5.1 trillion tons of CO2 (from World Bank data, see below). 
An estimated 1,050 wildfires worldwide produced global CO2 emissions of 76 
billion tons in 2021. There are at least 5000 years of recorded history, i.e 76 
billions X 5,000 = 380 trillion tons of CO2. Add to it ~ 3.2 trillion tons for 
the same period from volcanic eruptions (see below), thus totaling 383.2 
trillions of CO2. The earth did survive  at least for 5000 years, with 383 
trillion tons of CO2!!

 Billionaire Microsoft co-founder laments the direction the world is going and 
makes big promises to change the game… Pandemic, Ukraine war, climate change 
(The damage from climate change is already worse than most models predicted) 
The U.S. has taken a huge step backwards for gender equality and women’s health…
  Law professor Khiara Bridges calls Sen. Josh Hawley's questions about 
pregnancy 'transphobic'
  Sen. Josh Hawley got into a heated exchange with a Berkeley law professor 
about her use of the phrase “people with a capacity for pregnancy​” during a 
Senate hearing about abortion.
“We can recognize that this impacts women while also recognizing that it 
impacts other groups, those things are not mutually exclusive, Sen. Hawley,” 
said Bridges, who was testifying as an expert in race and reproductive rights.
The senator then asked what she believed was the “core of this right.”
Subject: FW: Ahistorical 'Woke Culture' Is Moses Vs The Pharaoh Or As Augustin 
Vs WAMP_the-Ingrate
[Philip Benjamin]  Definitions of WAMP, ‘Awakening’ etc. are given toward the 
Chemical equation of combustion of the petroleum hydrocarbons is generally: CnH 
2n+2 +(1 +3n) [O]  → n CO2 +(n + 1) H 2O, where ‘n’ ranges from 6 to 10; n=8 is 
octane, 9 is diesel oil, 10 is aviation fuel. For the simplest methane (n=1) it 
is CH4+ [4 O]  -> CO2+ 2 H2O+ energy..  For each C atom introduced, 4 O atoms 
(i.e. 2 O2 molecules) are removed from the atmosphere, potentially causing an 
oxygen depletion which will be disastrous, but never occurred. The carbon cycle 
takes care of that contingency. There  are over 6000 byproducts of oil and gas 
industries, very essential for civilized life, from pharmaceuticals to 
fertilizers, none of which is available from wind and solar energy productions.
        Pagan WAMP GIGO computer models will not and cannot give a threshold 
danger level of CO2. The greenhouse effect is for a closed system,

Utter nonsense.  It is the difference between radiant energy from the Sun and 
energy radiated to space from the Earth's atmosphere.  It is anything but 

unlike the open earth’s atmosphere which is subject to all kinds of external 
causes (ultraviolet, cosmic rays, solar flares, sunspots etc.). Both CO2 gas 
and H2O vapor absorb infrared rays, but the H2O is eventually condensed into 
liquid water (causing no catastrophic rise in sea levels, from any meteorology 
department which is the only division accredited for climate or weather 
      The greenhouse effect traps heat (infrared rays from sun’s light) close 
to the “goldilocks” Earth's surface by “greenhouse gases and vapors”, which 
include CO2, CH4,  NO & NO2, and H2O vapor. These respond physically or 
chemically to changes in temperatures--  a "feedback" effect. Science has 
determined that without the beneficial CO2, earth's  surface would be ~33°C 
(59°F) cooler 

And exactly the same science has determined that our present insertion of CO2 
into the atmosphere is going to raise the Earth's average surface temperature 
about 4degK.

       Beware of WAMP Pseudoscience:

Beware of PBBI pseudointelligence.


          .  An estimated 1,050 wildfires worldwide produced global CO2 
emissions of 76 billion tons in 2021. There are at least 5000 years of recorded 
history, i.e 76 billions X 5,000 = 380 trillion tons of CO2. Add to it ~ 3.2 
trillion tons for the same period from volcanic eruptions (see below), thus 
totaling 383.2 trillions of CO2
    [Volcanisms (excluding numerous Submarine volcanoes) are estimated to emit 
about 645 million tons of CO2 per year.  Ethan Siegel a science contributor of 
Forbes omits the total for say at least 5000 years of volcanisms, totaling 
3,225,000 million or 3.2 trillion tons of CO2].    The global Marxist-socialist 
pagan climatology pundits with UC do not and cannot determine how much CO2 will 
be needed to make the ‘goldilocks’ greenhouse effect dangerous.
            Greenhouse gas emissions from global road travel: is about 33 
billion tons, reports the World Bank as annual emission from burning fossil 
fuels, a little less than 1% of present atmospheric CO2. This multiplied by 
about 150 years (50 years past & 100 years future of climatology pseudoscience) 
of fossil fuel use equals a meager ~ 5.1 trillion tons of CO2, compared to 380 
trillion tons of CO2 from forest fires alone for at least 5000 years of 
recorded history. And the earth did survive with the additional 3.2 trillion 
from earth quakes, (thanks to carbon-cycle and other natural factors).
Source: US Geological 
Consciousness: Awakened & Un-awakened.
A . Philosophic & Historical Context
           Moses : An example of Awakened Consciousness (AC) Burning Bush 
Awakening by Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural).
 YHWH= [I AM THAT I AM] the Self-existingt Being (with aseity, where the 
infinite regress stops).
         Pharaoh:  A specimen of Pagan Un-awakened Consciousness  (UC)
Pagan Pharoah’s dictates:

  1.  No more supply of straw, but diminish not the bricks
  2.  Kill all male babies of Israel, Egypt’s choice for a ‘woke’ pagan culture 
of death is more important.
WAMP dictates:
1 . No new drilling or fracking, but produce more oil and gas
2 . Kill the babies, women’s choice is more important for election of ‘woke’ 
pagan politicians of un-awakened (unregenerate) consciousness.
‘Awakening’ in Augustinian philosophy refers to the “self” or “inner man” of 
the Patriarchal, Prophetic and Apostolic Scriptures.
B . Self-Consciousness: The Scientific Context.
       If at all-- a big IF indeed--  the “self” is to be subject to any 
scientific study, the invisible “self” must be objectively real. For that, the 
only candidate now available for science is bio dark-matter with its own 
computational chemistries (or chemical bonds which are spin governed particle 
configurations of duets and octets).
     Where matter exists, chemistry exists. Dark-matter cannot be an exception. 
Consider  also Amrit Sorli’s experiments on “Additional Mass Of Life” in bio- 
growth in hermetically sealed tubes.  
 The resonant twins of bio light-matter with its chemistry (which is electric, 
entropic, non-enduring) and of bio dark-matter with its chemistry (which is 
nonelectric, nonentropic, enduring) are cocreated at the moment of conception. 
They form the basis of “self- consciousness. Resonance is rudimentary 
recognition. It is  a frequency based phenomenon.
        Bio dark-matter twin needs to be awakened by an external POWER. In the 
Augustinian Western thought, this POWER was Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) 
Elohim (uni-plural). The ‘stiff neck’ of the “dark-twin bodies” of tyrants 
scoff at any begging, compromise, appeasement and apology. They recognize only 
the lexis of force and power.
      An ‘Augustinian transformation’ 
 is the very antithesis of ‘woke or cancel’ culture now endorsed by 
diabolically deceitful and self-serving brutish billionaires, politicians, 
bureaucrats, journalists and jurists (all with Un-awakened Consciousness or 
UC). ‘Woke’ is pseudonym for despotic, globalist, Marxist-socialist-fascist 
Progressive PAGAN utopia of dictates and mandates  to which everyone is either 
a conformist or non-conformist.
       In Woke Culture, Augustine is no saint, but an extreme right wing 
 Only a Third “Great Awakening” (for which Marxist pagan Stalin unconsciously  
coined the phrase “American Exceptionalism”) can effect a “transformation of 
individual consciousness”, to avert the West from the tyranny of Marxist 
paganism of Utopian dictates and mandates. Simple reasoning and straightforward 
logic need be applied to unfamiliar situations, notions, opinions and ideas 
with an OPEN mind. Each situation will be obviously different, but the basic 
logic remains the same, such as Law of Noncontradiction, Law of Causality, 
aseity, infinite regress etc.  Only then can one look past one’s own biases and 
pave the way for a  more “conscious” or “awakened” awareness.
      Once upon a time that was the essence of Western scholarship (until the 
WAMP appeared to dominate, dictate and mandate). For example, the Physical 
Resurrection was critically subjected to the universal Laws of Evidence and 
proven lawful by the once atheist Harvard Law Founder Simon Greenleaf. Will the 
WAMP allow the students critical thinking on the un-evidential trans-speciation 
of ape to human consciousness? There was a time— for over 1500 years 
altogether--  when not a single soul in the West would dare to question the 
intellect of Augustine (once a Greco-Roman profligate pagan) and Aquinas!! Now, 
WAMP-the-Ingrate has not even heard of those names! There was a time when 
Theology was the Queen of Science, because it was not easy to get into  
theology major without a mastery of the ancient languages, arts and sciences of 
those days (based on the brilliant Ptolemaic geocentricism, not ecclesiasticism 
as the WAMP construes. American and European traditions for over two thousand 
years is Patriarchal, Prophetic, Apostolic (especially from Athenian Mars Hill 
discourse onwards), Augustinian, Thomist, Reformational, Puritan (the “Two 
Great Awakenings”).
     [Note: If mind is real and invisible, is there any candidate for science 
other than bio dark-matter with its chemistry. i.e. chemical bonds which are 
spin governed particle configurations Then the resonant dark & light twin 
bodies are cocreated at the moment of conception. Resonance is rudimentary 
Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Marxist-socialist-fascist paganism

CC. World Bank.     Oil & Gas Journal.
‘Biden in 2020 Campaign: As President, 'No More Drilling' for Oil, Should Be 
'Taking Millions of Automobiles Off the Road'
  “Joe Biden Finally Admitted He Wants To End The Oil Industry”

Philip Benjamin
Nonconformist to Marxist. Socialist, Fascist pagan globalism.
Humanist, hedonist WAMP-the-Ingrate = Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism), including 
Hollywood, the stealing beneficiary of the Augustinian Trust.
Note: Augustinian Awakening: 
Freely and willingly accepting the “alien imputation” of absolution and 
cancellation of universal death sentence by the vicarious death, burial and 
resurrection of the Sentencer [from Adonai (plural)YHWH (singular) Elohim 
UC = Un-awakened or Un-Augustinian Consciousness
AC = Awakened or Augustinian Consciousness
Philip Benjamin
        WAMP’s Four Big Lies:
1. Anthropogenic Global Warming. 2. RNA World as Origin of Life. 3 .  Robots 
Slightly Sentient. 4 . CopenPagan Misinterpretation.
Physics & Astronomy University of Porto in Portugal
“While the study doesn't present a complete simulation of a climate model, it 
does paint a broad sketch of where we're heading if we don't curtail climate 
 and our unchecked use of fossil fuels, according to the study authors, 
scientists in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of 
Porto in Portugal”. .
 . Liana Wait for the High Meadows Environmental Institute. April 28, 2022, 2 
  The paper’s authors modeled future marine biodiversity under different 
projected climate scenarios. [GIGO computer modeling is not science], They 
found that if emissions are not curbed, species losses from warming [and oxygen 
depletion] alone could come to mirror the substantial impact humans already 
have on marine biodiversity by around 2100. Tropical waters would experience 
the greatest loss of biodiversity, while polar species are at the highest risk 
of extinction, the authors reported. “Aggressive and rapid reductions in 
greenhouse gas emissions are critical for avoiding a major mass extinction of 
ocean species,” said senior author Curtis Deutsch, a professor of geosciences 
and the High Meadows Environmental Institute at Princeton.  The study found, 
however, that reversing greenhouse gas emissions could reduce the risk of 
extinction by more than 70%.
 May 1, 2022
“The new models suggest Earth could approach Permian levels of marine 
extinction by 2300 if emissions continue to increase. As temperatures rise, 
according to the research, species richness will decline near the tropics, with 
some animals migrating toward higher latitudes. Polar species are most at risk, 
as their habitat becomes a "disappearing climate niche," the paper explains… 
That’s the takeaway from a study published Thursday in the journal Science, 
which found that many ocean creatures could face conditions too warm and with 
too little oxygen to survive if we don't turn things around. The more warming, 
the fewer species are likely to survive, the results show.”
   Monit Khanna Updated on Apr 02, 2020
 [Philip Benjamin]
Philip Benjamin PhD.MSc.MA
“Spiritual Body or Physical Spirit”
Extraordinary Materialism

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