In March the journal Nature published an article claiming that a room
temperature Superconductor had been discovered.

Evidence of near-ambient superconductivity in a N-doped lutetium hydride

I was a little surprised Nature decided to publish it because the same
people made the same claim a few years ago but the journal had to retract
it,  and now to their intense embarrassment it looks like history is going
to be repeating itself; the lead author sent another paper to the Physical
Review Journal and now it looks like they're going to have to retract that
paper too:

‘A very disturbing picture’: another retraction imminent for controversial
physicist <>

Meanwhile a completely different group has claimed to have found a different
 substance that superconducts at room temperature and pressure. I'll
believe it when I see it:

The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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