The many worlds idea has already been falsified because it cannot account
for the observed violation of the Bell inequalities for entangled
particles. MWI is supposedly a local theory -- where is the local account
of the correlations  of entangled particles?


On Thu, Aug 31, 2023 at 12:39 AM John Clark <> wrote:

> The short answer is yes, Many Worlds is falsifiable. For example, right
> now there are experiments underway in an attempt to prove that the GRW
> theory of objective quantum wave collapse makes predictions that Many
> Worlds does not, if they are successful it will prove that Everett was dead
> wrong, it's as simple as that.  GRW claims that Schrodinger's equation is
> incomplete and that another very complex term needs to be added to it
> because it's the only way they could think of to get rid of all those
> worlds that for some reason they dislike, there was simply no other reason
> to add that extra term. With this new term Schrodinger's equation is no
> longer completely deterministic because a random element is added such that
> the larger the wave function is (the more particles it has) the more likely
> the quantum wave function will objectively collapse. They carefully tuned
> their very complex extra term inserted into Schrödinger's equation in just
> such a way that, because an individual electron is so small the probability
> of you being able to observe one objectively collapse is almost but not
> quite zero; but the probability of you NOT observing something as large as
> a baseball NOT collapsing is also almost, but not quite, zero. Despite
> heroic efforts. up to the present day nobody has found a speck of
> experimental evidence in support of the GRW theory of objective quantum
> wave collapse, and until and unless they do Many Worlds must be the
> preferred theory according to Occam's razor because it makes fewer
> assumptions, it has no need to complicate matters by adding that extra term
> to Schrodinger's equation.
> But GRW is not the only or even the most popular competitor to Many
> Worlds, that honor would have to go to the Copenhagen interpretation, and
> there is certainly no way to falsify that, but back in 1986 in his book
> "The Ghost in the Atom" David Deutsch proposed another way to falsify
> Everett's Many Worlds; the experiment would be difficult to perform but
> Deutsch argues that is not Many Worlds fault, the reason it's so difficult
> is that the conventional view says conscious observers obey different laws
> of physics, Many Worlds says they do not, so to test who's right we need a
> mind that uses quantum properties.
> In Deutsch's experiment, to prove or disprove the existence of many worlds
> other than this one, a conscious quantum computer shoots electrons at a
> metal plate that has 2 small slits in it. It does this one at a time. The
> quantum computer has detectors near each slit so it knows which slit the
> various electrons went through. The quantum mind now signs a document for
> each and every electron saying it has observed the electron and knows which
> slit it went through. It is very important that the document does NOT say
> which slit the electron went through, it only says that it went through one
> and only one slit and the mind has knowledge of which one. Now just before
> the electron hits the plate the mind uses quantum erasure to completely
> destroy the memory of what slits the electrons went through, but all other
> memories including all the documents remain undamaged. After the document
> is signed the electron continues on its way and hits the photographic
> plate. Then after thousands of electrons have been observed and all
> which-way information has been erased, develop the photographic plate and
> look at it. If you see interference bands then the Many World
> interpretation is correct. If you do not see interference bands then there
> are no worlds but this one and the conventional interpretation is correct.
> Deutsch is saying that in the Copenhagen interpretation when the results
> of a measurement enters the consciousness of an observer the wave function
> collapses, in effect all the universes except one disappear without a trace
> so you get no interference. In the Many Worlds model all the other worlds
> will converge back into one universe when the electrons hit the
> photographic film because the two universes will no longer be different
> (even though they had different histories), but their influence will still
> be felt. In the merged universe you'll see indications that the electron
> went through slot X only and indications that it went through slot Y only,
> and that's what causes interference.
> I know that what I said in the above is a fair representation of what
> Deutsch was saying because some years ago I wrote to him about this and he
> said it was an accurate paraphrase.
> It must be admitted that like every theory Many Worlds makes predictions
> that cannot be tested, but a theory is not judged on the basis of what
> predictions it makes that have neither been confirmed nor falsified
> experimentally,  instead they are judged by how well they conform to
> experiments that HAVE been performed, and in Many Worlds  case it conform
> s to every physics experiment that has ever been made up to the present
> day. Yes Everett's idea produces a lot of worlds, but Occam does NOT say
> the best theory is the one that produces the simplest outcome, the best
> theory is the one that makes the fewest assumptions and still agrees with
> experimental observations.
> John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis
> <>
> fwm
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