In the September 1 issue of the Journal science researchers report they
have found, are using genetic analysis, that the ancestors of the human
race, as well as those of the Neanderthals and the Denisovans, suffer
through a severe population decline that started 930,000 BP (Before
Present) and lasted for 117,000 years until 813,000 BP.  This time period
corresponds to a gap in the fossil record when there was almost no evidence
of our ancestors  although there are many more fossils of them both before
and after that gap. At its lowest point there were only about 1280 breeding
individuals, every human, Neanderthal, and Denisovan who ever lived is a
descendent of one or all of those 1280 individuals. It is not clear what
caused the decline but whatever it was it doesn't seem to have been a
global environmental event because other species unrelated to us don't seem
to have suffered through a similar apocalypse.

Genomic inference of a severe human bottleneck during the Early to Middle
Pleistocene transition <>

 If they're right then the human race almost didn't happen, life has
existed on this planet for over 3 1/2 billion years but only in the last
few thousand has a technology producing species shown up, and if things
have been just slightly different it never would have. Perhaps this
explains the Fermi paradox. Life is easy but intelligence is hard.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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