On Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 1:48 AM John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 5:36 AM Brent Meeker <meekerbr...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> * > Let's review the bidding John.  I said the classical world was
>> necessary to science*
> And if that's all you had said we wouldn't be having an argument, but you
> insisted that classical concepts were also sufficient to do science. You
> even claimed that an "explanation is in print" that explains why the
> Quantum Eraser Experiment does what it does and doesn't do what it doesn't
> do that, as my challenge specified, uses only classical concepts. But you
> don't say where I can find this revolutionary article that would certainly
> change physics forever if it actually existed.
> *> You attempted to counter this by challenging me to explain the quantum
>> eraser experiment  without quantum mechanics*
> You seem to have difficulty remembering things I have said and yet you
> find it very easy to remember things that I did *NOT* say, therefore I
> will provide an exact quote of the challenge I gave to you:
>  "Using only *classical concepts* explain to me how and why the Quantum
> Eraser Experiment works."
> And I am still waiting for that explanation from you. In fact for about a
> century the entire world has been trying to find an explanation for quantum
> weirdness using only intuitive classical physics, and they have failed
> spectacularly.
>> > ...a complete non-sequitur.
> What is a  complete non-sequitur?
>> * > I replied that our quantum mechanical explanations are written out in
>> classically behaving ink.  I never said explanations must be in classical
>> terms,*
> Again I will use exact quotes as I wish you had.  My challenge to you was:
> "Using only classical concepts explain to me how and why the Quantum
> Eraser Experiment works."
> And the best response to my challenge that you could come up with was:
> "*The explanation is in print which is classica*l"
> Then in your most recent post you **claimed** you had said:
> "*the explanation IF in print and print is classical.*"
> You added an "*if*" that your original quote did not have, and that "*if*"
> is of gargantuan size!* If *in the mathematical literature a correct
> proof that only a finite number of prime numbers exists, or that 2+2 = 5,
> *then* that proof is printed using ink that can be thought of as behaving
> classically because the quantum mechanical nature of the ink does not
> interfere with the information it conveys. The preceding sentence is
> perfectly true, it is also perfectly silly.
> *>  I said they must be classically embodied.*
> I specifically asked for "classical *concepts*" that explain experimental
> results, but even if I had not specifically included the word "*concepts*
> " I would have found it very difficult to believe you really thought I
> was interested in ink and not in ideas. I think you were pretending to
> misunderstand what I was asking you to do because you couldn't find any
> other way to meet my challenge. But I could be wrong, if so do you also
> believe that professors of English literature are only interested in the
> sequence of ASCII characters that Shakespeare outputted when writing his
> plays and not the ideas the words made up of those ASCII characters represent?

Perhaps this account of quantum eraser experiments by Sean Carroll is an
appropriate classical description of a quantum process?


Or you can look at the account of the classical quantum eraser/delayed
choice experiment here:


The descriptions of these experiments are given in purely classical terms.


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