On Tue, Apr 2, 2024 at 7:15 PM 'spudboy...@aol.com' via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

* > I continually nag, not Personalities but Policies. If the Policies are
> workable, personality be damned.*

*It doesn't matter if a policy is workable or not if a personality can't
get anything done. Remember Trump's "infrastructure week" or his policy of
building a wall and making Mexico pay for it?   And policies don't start
wars, personalities do. Remember George W. Bush? And policies don't become
fascist dictators, personalities do. *

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

> No, I don't expect anyone to change because of my statement!
> Hi John!
> On Monday, April 1, 2024 at 06:45:19 AM EDT, John Clark <
> johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 31, 2024 at 5:44 PM Russell Standish <li...@hpcoders.com.au>
> wrote:
> *>"Environmentalists" are not one united group of people.*
> *Environmentalists are united about one thing, they never saw a large
> scale power source that they didn't hate. The self righteous little brat
> and self-proclaimed environmentalist Greta Thunberg was arrested a few
> years ago in Sweden for blocking a street while she demonstrated against
> the building of a wind farm. A wind farm!*
> >* "*
> *but SCoPEx didn't rate a mention. So this most likely was a small
> group opposing it, and nobody else knew about it."*
> *SCoPEx only planned to place 2 kilograms of ground up over the counter
> antacid tablets into the stratosphere but environmentalists moved heaven
> and earth to stop them from doing so because they were terrified it might
> show a way to stop global warming without introducing mass suffering.
> Apparently they believe the human race needs to suffer for their past sins.
> I find this attitude to be utterly contemptible!  And the group opposing it
> was large enough to kill SCoPEx. The same thing could be said about the
> environmentalists who killed the Thirty Meter Telescope, although in that
> case I admit they had the help of native Hawaiian imbeciles who were
> worried that this magnificent device that would have taught us more about
> how the universe works might offend an invisible man who lived in the sky.
> And Aquaman also helped to destroy the telescope.  *
> *> "The most compelling argument to opposing geoengineering is that it
> is a distraction from the real task, which is to reduce CO2 emissions."*
> *The real task is not to reduce CO2 emissions, it's to stop global
> warming.  And I must say, global warming is a problem but if I were to make
> a list of world problems global warming would not make the top five, I'm
> not sure it would even make the top ten. *
> *> "Some people (I don't think anyone in this company would be that
> stupid) seem to think it is OK to continue burning fossil fuels if the
> effects can be mitagated by climate geoengineering, or carbon capture
> sequestration."*
> *Oh I'm stupid enough to believe we should continue burning fossil fuels
> until a replacement can be proven to be able to produce an equal amount of
> energy at a price that makes economic sense. I say that because the
> alternative is the end of civilization and the death of billions. Like it
> or not the Earth is simply not capable of keeping 8 billion mammals as
> large as human beings alive, much less happy, without artificial
> fertilizers and pesticides, which require energy to make, and farm
> machinery and a way to transport food to where it is needed, which also
> requires energy.*
> *>"This is all entirely political, and as far as I'm concerned
> total bullshit. We need all and every possible means to counteract
> climate change."*
> *Yes and that includes geoengineering if a way that could be found to make
> it work, and the first step in finding out if something like that could
> work involves grinding up 2 kg of Tums antacid tablets. But
> environmentalists say that is too radical a step to take even though they
> also claim global warming is an existential danger to the human race. And
> that is why I say environmentalists are not serious people.*
> 2rs

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