On Thu, Apr 4, 2024 at 10:59 PM Keith Henson <hkeithhen...@gmail.com> wrote:

*> "Open-source software is normally secure, but not against this kind
> of  attack.  Whoever did it spent years working their way into a
> position of trust."*

*It doesn't look like the workings of an individual to me, I think it
needed the resources of a nation state. The principal suspects are China,
Iran and Russia. If it had not been caught in time an attack like this
probably wouldn't have killed as many people as 9/11 did but would've
caused hundreds of billions of dollars in damage and deeply embarrassed
whoever was president at the time of the attack. So I don't think it was
China or Iran because Trump becoming president would not significantly help
them, but it certainly would help Vladimir Putin. So my guess would be
Russia. Months before this there had  been speculation that Putin would try
to do something to embarrass Biden just before the November election
because that would help his friend become president and guarantee a Russian
victory in the Ukrainian war and a free hand to do whatever he wanted to
the rest of Europe; And the beauty of a well executed cyber attack is that,
although you may have your suspicions, it's very difficult to prove where
it came from. I wonder if Vladimir has another October surprise up his
sleeve.  *

*John K Clark*

>     "That's one of the most amazing stories I have ever heard."
> Anyone should feel free to forward it to the Extropy List. I can't.

John K Clark


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