When training a neural network programmers are always on the lookout for
something called "overfitting" when the AI seems to stop generalizing and
just memorizes the training data; typically that's the point where the
training stops. However, when a researcher at OpenAI was working with a
small neural network and clear signs of overfitting occurred, he forgot to
turn it off and then went on vacation. When he got back from vacation,  he
found to his surprise that the network had very dramatically improved its
performance. It's like it had obtained a profound understanding of the
 data, he called it "Grokking''. I've had the experience, and you probably
have too, of studying something for a long time and not understanding it,
and then suddenly bang there is an aha moment and everything becomes clear.
It sounds sort of like that.

How Do Machines ‘Grok’ Data?

 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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