On Sun, Apr 21, 2024 at 9:26 AM Henrik Ohrstrom <henrik.ohrst...@gmail.com>

*> "According to spike I am a socialist suspect in this question.*

Don't feel bad, Spike said I suffered from Trump derangemint syndrome, but
Spike predicted that private military militias would be the saviors of
democracy, however they ended up smearing their feces on the walls of the
capitol building during their unsuccessful January 6, 2020 coup d'état.
Meanwhile I predicted something like that would occur before Trump had even
won the 2016 election. On October 20 2016, the day after a presidential
debate between Trump and Hillary Clinton in which Trump said he would
respect the results of the 2016 election "*IF I WIN*", I sent the following
post to the Extropian List entitled "Nobody Can Say We Weren't Warned":

"*If Donald Trump won’t respect the results of the election now when he’s
just a private citizen what will we get in 4 years when President Trump
doesn’t like the outcome of his reelection bid and he’s got the entire US
military behind him led by generals friendly to him that he’s been
promoting since the day he took office? Yesterday Donald was kind enough to
tell us exactly what we’ll get*

So you tell me, which one of us turned out to be the better prognosticator,
me or Spike?

 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


Now environmentalists hate Electric cars, they set fire to an electrical
>> pylon supplying power to a Tesla factory in Germany that makes 500,000
>> electric cars a year and halted production:
>> Environmentalist claim responsibility for a Tesla factory arson attack
>> <https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/mar/05/leftwing-vulkan-group-claim-responsibility-tesla-factory-pylon-arson-attack-berlin>

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