On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 8:24 AM PGC <multiplecit...@gmail.com> wrote:

*> "If "communications with agency officials" is enough to make something a
> public act... then all the "killing your political rival for whatever
> purpose" brought up by commentators and even by Justice Sotomayor is
> theoretically covered. Hypothetically, Biden (or Trump, if elected) could
> "communicate with some government agency" to have a SEAL Team waiting in a
> water hazard on a golf course, their opponent frequents, to remove a clear
> danger to the "democracy" (but more Kingdom of the US, now)."*

When Trump runs for a third term in 2028 (never mind the trivial fact that
a third term is unconstitutional) I have long maintained that it would not
be out of character for Trump to order Seal Team Six to assassinate his
leading political rival, and after yesterday's sinister Supreme Court
decision I'm even more certain of it. That's why if Trump wins in November,
as he almost certainly will if Biden remains his opponent, then 2024 will
be the last presidential election this country ever has, if you don't count
the sort of "elections" they have in Russia and North Korea.
 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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