This straightforward puzzle got ignored with everybody arguing, splitting 
hairs, and reasoning on huge, sophisticated topics. Even by all of our 
self-reference experts! *This insight is enough to justify its 
existence! 😂*

The puzzle I posted is just one of many illustrations of how subjects 
making statements with assertions involving only if, and, or statements, 
that also make self-referential statements about themselves in a simple 
truth or lie setting can already get a bit fun. And we can reason and speak 
about such scenarios correctly, as long as we are clear with assumptions 
and rules (in contrast to inventing/changing them as we go along). And the 
contradictions and paradoxical scenarios that arise through reasoning, are 
not just "weirdness to be ignored";  they themselves *can be exploited* and 
bring clarity.

To illustrate, here is a *SOLUTION that works:*

Let's demonstrate that if Alpha is an illusionist, we get a contradiction. 

If we suppose that Alpha is an illusionist, then their second statement 
must be false, which means that Epsilon should be a Truth Seeker and Gamma 
should be an illusionist. Since Epsilon is a Truth Seeker, their statement 
is true, meaning either Delta is an illusionist or Gamma is a Truth Teller. 
But Gamma isn't a Truth Seeker (they should be an illusionist), which is 
why Delta must be an illusionist. Therefore, Delta's statement was false, 
so either Dr. Photon is in this branch today or she was here yesterday. 
Yet, Dr. Photon was not here yesterday, as Gamma said she was, and Gamma is 
an Illusionist, *therefore she is in this branch today. BUT this makes 
Alpha's statement true, contrary to our initial assumption that Alpha is an 
illusionist!*  Therefore Alpha cannot be an Illusionist and must be a Truth 
Seeker. This is why Alpha's first statement was true and Dr. Photon is in 
fact in this branch. Dr. Quark will find her with conventional travel first 
and get her home in time for dinner with the branch targeting system. 

Hope you tried, found, and enjoyed it!

On Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at 7:09:50 AM UTC+2 PGC wrote:

> *The summer let your hair down reason to reason super serious just for fun 
> puzzle is here. No cheating, copying, pasting, pets, food, and/or beverages 
> permitted. Violations will be punished by the Everything List’s 
> all-important “nothing”. Enjoy: *
> In the vast expanse of the multiverse, an Everything List Member named Dr. 
> Quark travels between different branches of said multiverse using a 
> sophisticated vessel. His vessel is equipped with a tuned Alcubierre drive, 
> meticulously built by Brent and programmed by Quentin. The branch targeting 
> system, a marvel of modern technology, utilizes a linguistic model (LLM) 
> developed by John and Jason, with the linguistic interface engineered by 
> Terren. The drive is powered by exotic matter, whose configuration and 
> properties are extracted from the Universal Dovetailer using formulae 
> devised by Russell and Bruno and implemented through Quentin's innovative 
> software.
> Dr. Quark's wife, Dr. Photon, possesses the extraordinary ability to 
> teleport instantly to any branch of the multiverse, leaving behind a 
> shimmer of quantum energy at her arrival point. She does this spontaneously 
> and forgets dinner time in the home branch, particularly if she’s observing 
> something aesthetically pleasing to her. Same it was for this evening. So 
> Dr. Quark embarked with his vessel activating the sophisticated branch 
> targeting system — though based on Jason's estimation formulae and by 
> definition not always accurate—which guides him to a particularly vibrant 
> and mysterious branch of the multiverse with violet stuff, where he hopes 
> to find his wife.
> The targeting system is probabilistic and spits out time, space, star 
> system coordinates one attempt at a time. Therefore, Dr. Quark will always 
> either land in the accessible environs of where Dr. Photon teleported to or 
> not. Of course, every branch has, local to those coordinates, some 
> non-zombie inhabitants. And the inhabitants of the relevant branches in 
> this puzzle are Truth seekers (tell the truth) and Illusionists (who lie, 
> of course). While all inhabitants can perceive the shimmer emanating from 
> her teleportation arrival, locating Dr. Photon afterward proves difficult 
> due to the vast number of nooks and crannies, we’ll say, of each branch.
> Upon arrival this evening, Dr. Quark encounters five inhabitants who guess 
> his purpose and greet him with knowing smiles. These inhabitants have the 
> following names and make the following statements:
> 1. *Alpha*: "Dr. Photon is in this branch."
> 2. *Beta*: "Dr. Photon is not in this branch."
> 3.* Gamma*: "Dr. Photon was here yesterday."
> 4. *Delta*: "Dr. Photon is not here today, and she wasn’t here yesterday."
> 5. *Epsilon*: "Either Delta is an Illusionist or Gamma is a Truth Seeker."
> Realizing the very serious weirdness of the situation, Dr. Quark pauses 
> and asks, “Won’t one of you please make another statement?” At this point, 
> Alpha speaks again: "Either Epsilon is an Illusionist or Gamma is a Truth 
> Seeker."
> *The Grand Puzzle Multiverse Mega Question:*
> *Is Dr. Photon on this branch of the multiverse? Reason accordingly THEN 
> answer. Or just enjoy or ignore as it is kinda common ;-)*

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