In today's New York Times Aaron Sorkin, the guy who wrote the TV series
"The West Wing" had an interesting idea that I had not considered before.
It's worth thinking about :

*"**At their convention next month, the Democrats should nominate Mitt
Romney. Nominating Mr. Romney would be putting our money where our mouth
is: a clear and powerful demonstration that this election isn’t about what
our elections are usually about, but about stopping a deranged man from
taking power.  Does Mr. Romney support abortion rights? No. Does he want to
aggressively raise the minimum wage, bolster public education, strengthen
unions, expand transgender rights and enact progressive tax reform?
Probably not. But is he a cartoon thug who did nothing but watch TV while
the mob he assembled beat and used Tasers on police officers? No. The
choice is between Donald Trump and not-Trump, and the not-Trump candidate
needs only one qualification: to win enough votes from a cross section of
Americans to close off the former president’s Electoral College path back
to power.  And Mr. Romney could make the case that the Democrats are
putting country before party in ways that the MAGA movement will not, and
announce his bipartisan cabinet picks at the convention as well."*

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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