Congratulations Chen and Matthew :-)


On Wed, 2009-07-01 at 04:06 -0600, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> Hello guys,
> This mail is to announce some of the role changes in the Evolution project. I 
> have been thinking about this for a long time, and I feel that this is the 
> best time to implement them.
> I am proud to announce Chenthill P (chen) as the new Evolution maintainer. He 
> is a long time contributor to the Evolution project and has been working in 
> the project for over 5 years.  He is well known in the community for his 
> expertise in Calendar component and has been its maintainer for the last 4 
> years.  He has been one of the prime contributors for the Groupwise provider 
> and Microsoft Exchange Calendar. A few of his notable contributions include 
> libical integration with System timezone for better Daylight savings support, 
> single-model-view design of Calendar MVC and removal of libical fork.   He 
> has mentored interns and GSOC students on Calendar search improvements, 
> Microsoft Exchange Delegation support, Google Calendar integration etc.  
> I am also proud to announce that Matthew Barnes (mbarnes) is joining 
> Chenthill and support him as the Evolution co-maintainer. He has been 
> contributing towards Evolution for over 3 years and is the Mail maintainer 
> for the last 2 years. He has made significant contributions towards 
> obsoleting several libraries, and helping to migrate to newer technologies. 
> He has been working on Kill-Bonobo which is a major revamp of Evolution 
> Shell. This involves rewriting Evolution components and UI which is a focus 
> area for Evolution 3.0.
> Going forward, I will be focusing on improving evolution infrastructure for 
> netbooks and other devices; chen and mbarnes would be driving the Evolution 
> project direction and releases.
> Please join me in congratulating chen and mbarnes, and in wishing them good 
> luck in their new roles.
> -Srini.

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