On Fri, 2009-10-30 at 13:02 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
> So, I tried to update to the latest on the 2.28 git branch and Badness
> Ensued.
> First the build failed; I used Reid's patch to fix it and that worked
> but it would be nice if someone actually promoted the fix into git.
> However, now Evo is dumping core immediately upon start (I don't even
> get a window up).  Does anyone else see this?  Unfortunately I'm
> completely swamped at work right now, so I had to drop back to the
> standard version, but if no one knows what it is I'll try to get more
> info over the weekend.
> It was stable (at least, the IMAP support) using the code on the branch
> as of a week or two ago...
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When I built this morning the patch had been promoted.  Make sure you
don't have  merge conflict or something...

I've been running with no coring since then...
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