What you're wanting to do simply isn't possible to do right now, and
even if it were then it would not be worthwhile.

You have a huge filesystem barrier in your way right now.  Since Windows
cannot and never will be able to read ext2/ext3/XFS/ReiserFS
filesystems, this means you can't store your Evolutions folders on
Linux.  You'd have to store them in Windows.  Linux can read and write
FAT and FAT32 volumes okay, I think, but NTFS is a different story.  I
think it has unstable support for reading NTFS, but can't write to
them.  Most Windows NT/2000/XP users probably use NTFS.  I do.

I've heard some stuff about Microsoft working on an even newer
filesystem now anyway.

Even if you had the filesystem barrier out of the way, you've got tons
of dependencies to port to Windows: GtkHtml, GAL, libsoup, ORBit,
Bonobo, oaf, gnome-vfs, gdk-pixbuf, bonobo-conf, GConf (?) Scrollkeeper,
gnome-libs, maybe OpenLDAP, maybe db3, and maybe libxml.  Then I'm not
sure if Windows does POSIX threads and file locking or if Evolution
would need to use native Win32 APIs for that.  I'm not sure how stable
GTK+ 1.2 for Win32 is right now either.

The bottom line is that what you're asking for is never going to
happen.  However, if it's really important to you to run Evolution in
both Windows and Linux, I recommend buying some more RAM while it's
still cheap and getting yourself a copy of VMWare.  Then you can run
Linux while you're inside Windows, and fire up your Evolution from

On Wed, 2002-04-24 at 10:48, Matts wrote:
> Using IMAP ? Would that help ? What about the sent items folder ?
> Would using IMAP imply that you leave the messages on the server some time ? That 
>would need some semaphore to show that both systems have fetched some mail, which 
>then can be removed from the server. It sounds hard to do for me.
> I think shared mailboxes is the solution, but that requires a port of evolution to 
>windows. I just wanted to know if it is feasible. Gnome2 is multi platform (right?) 
>So how hard is it ?
> --- Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Wed, 2002-04-24 at 09:40, Cody Russell wrote:
> >
> >> Can't you just use IMAP or something, and store messages on the server? 
> >
> >Don't you read the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list?  It's much easier to bug
> >the already overworked Evolution developers to devote less time to
> >improving the product and more time to arbitrarily extending the POP
> >protocol in ways it shouldn't or porting Evolution to Windows rather
> >than just simply using IMAP on both platforms.  Sheesh!  ;-)
> >
> >I wish POP really would eat itself.
> >
> >-- 
> >Brian
> >
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