Hi, i am new on this list but i have been translating evolution into
danish for some time now. 

I have this problem using the cvs source because I do not know what
release to checkout for the translation. I have just done about 300
corrections and just thought that I might be working on the wrong
source. I would really hate that. 

I need to know what/how to checkout the source so that the next version
of evolution 1.08 will be 100% translated. 

I am now doing: 
$ cvs login 
$ cvs checkout evolution

Maybe it should be: 
$ cvs -r xxx checkout evolution

med venlig hilsen, Anna Jonna Armannsdottir       
In reality, patents are enormously powerful competitive weapons that
are proliferating dangerously, and the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office (USPTO) has all the trappings of a revenue-driven,
institutionalized arms merchant. 
                  Gary L. Reback, 06.24.02

evolution-hackers maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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