On Sat, 2002-09-21 at 06:51, Not Zed wrote:

> I would think we will not be making a branch till at least the 1.2 final
> release, and probably not till a while after that.  To reduce the amount
> of management required to maintain the branches.

Hmm.  Well, I guess I can understand not branching until the 1.2
release, but not setting up a branch afterwards doesn't make sense to
me.  I mean, you're going to need one to start on the GNOME 2 port.

> Also note, the next development phase i believe will be devoted to
> porting to the gnome 2 platform, and not feature enhancement. :-/

Well, my patches aren't generally intrusive, and they wouldn't affect
things that will likely change a lot during the GNOME 2 port.  And if I
can start putting stuff in, I'll be a lot more motivated to help out
with the GNOME 2 porting, too...

evolution-hackers maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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