evolution on Linux (redhat) works very welll. :-). But I cannot make the one on solaris work well.

Vlad Harchev wrote:

On Tue, 24 Dec 2002, Yuedong Du wrote:

Do you mean you can use fully localized evolution?

Yes, I can use fully localized evolution in russian. I didn't try chinese
localization of evolution of course.

I have installed ximian gnome 1.4 desktop. When I login solaris with the zh
locale, no chinese menu even in the gnome menu bar. But the term output is

This may mean that gnome has no chinese localization, or that your solaris is
configured improperly.
I suggest you to try a chinese linux distribution to see how it all works

And although the evolution menu is not localized, it can read chinese email

Any idea?


Vlad Harchev wrote:

On Tue, 24 Dec 2002, Yuedong Du wrote:

Try starting *entire* gnome with LANG=zh, not only evolution (there is a
bug in ORBit (sorry, don't remember the ID, it's openeded by me more than a
year ago), due to which it starts components with the environment ORBit was
started with, rather than with the environment of the app that asks for
component activation).

Best regards,

Evolution Hackers!

Anyone can use evolution in locale of CJK?

Evolution do not have Chinese menu in Chinese locale, for example "zh" locale. Actually all are
English interface.

By setting the LANGUAGE environment to "zh", we can start the composer with full chinese localization.

My bug or Evolution bug?

Thanks in advance.


Best regards,

evolution-hackers maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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