Hi.  I have filed Ximian bug 34911 stating that FreeBSD users cannot
copy and paste text from the Mozilla/Galeon main window into Evolution. 
Linux users do not seem to be affected.  I did some digging, and I think
I'm close to solving this problem.  I just need a little help.

If I edit gtkhtml-1.1.7/src/gtkhtml.c, and remove the text/html format
from the formats array, this problem goes away.  Therefore, the cause
seems to be in the new text/html pasting code (i.e. the code that didn't
exist in gtkhtml 1.0.4).  Now, I played with the new html selection
functions, but I am unable to make things work.  I see that conversion
is being done between ucs2 and utf-8 character sets.  I'm curious as
ucs2, or UCS2 for that matter, is not a registered character set with
libiconv-1.8, nor is it statically mapped in gal's e-iconv.c.  How does
Linux handle this?  If I add a mapping from ucs2 to UCS-2 in e-iconv.c,
the problem is not solved.  And I'm not sure why gtkhtml assumes
Mozilla's character set is UCS2.  I personally use ISO-8859-1 (though no
matter which charset I choose in Mozilla, the pasting problem remains).

I have also tried to debug some of this the old fashioned way, but have
found printf's nor g_warning's generated by the html-editor component
are written to stdout/err.  How can I print out debugging info from the
html editor?

I'd really like to get this resolved, and I feel I'm close.  I just need
a little guidance as to what is going on or what is being assumed of the
host OS.  Thanks.


Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team      ::      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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