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Eustace, Glen wrote:
>> Evo deletes messages from the server when you expunge them. Otherwise
>> they're just marked for deletion so you can undelete them if you want.
>> This is how IMAP is supposed to work. IMAP is explicitly *not* meant
> to
>> keep multiple clients in synch with each other.
> If my understanding of how IMAP works, when one deletes (not expunges)
> or replies to a message, the message on the server gets its 'flags'
> updated. This change in state of a message is not reflected on other Evo
> clients but is on OutLook, have MS got it wrong again ?  If so, it would
> be great if Evo had the same bug/behaviour.
> If a message has been deleted by Client A running evo, I would like it
> to dissappear (be hidden) the next time Evo checks for messages. At the
> moment the check would seem to only be for new messages rather than
> changes in state of old ones.

Do you leave both Evo clients running all the time, or do you force
shutdown them when you leave?

> On the assumption that others don't see the same behaviour, the IMAP
> server is dovecot running on FC4.

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to white-power racists that
whites are superior to blacks, and that those with brown skins
are mud people.
However, that "common sense" is obviously wrong.
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