On Fri, 2006-06-02 at 12:55 -0700, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-06-02 at 12:31 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > On Fri, 2006-06-02 at 08:54 -0700, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> > > Let me just add this. For every 10 person that uses Evo, I would say
> > > that approx 80% will find it Good and  the other 10% will find it Not
> > > and the othe 10% just doesn't use Linux (haha)
> > 
> > Actually, you can't please all the people all the time, but that's not a
> > reason for not trying to. I use Evo as my mail client every single day
> > and mostly it works well, but basically because I'm used to it. There
> > are still things that drive me insane, e.g. the lack of an Undo for
> > message deletion.
> > 
> Well.. It'll be nice when these features (some of which are already planned) 
> are in 
> 1. GPG Encrypt to function to specific recipients. (much like the "prefer 
> html emails"
> 2. Search addresses in address book _as_well_as ones already in the inbox. (I 
> think Entourage does that)
> Heh.. I think that's about it. :-)

3. Center the message list pane on the first unread message when first
visiting a folder or no message is already selected.

4. Restore the confirmation dialogue for "Empty Trash". "Expunge" has it
(as an option) so why not have it for the potentially more serious
operation? Used to be there but was mysteriously removed.

5. (Already mentioned several times): have Send/Receive synch with
remote servers.

6. Allow selective Send/Receive on specific servers (planned I think).

7. Allow easier copying of Evo config between machines. It's all XML
after all.

8. As a special case, allow some kind of Export/Import of *filters* to
allow sharing them between multiple instances of Evo -- this a royal
pain at the moment.

9. Allow management of remote Sieve filters (asked for by several

10. Configurable ordering of the folder tree pane, or at least sorting
with "special" folders (Trash, Junk, Drafts, Sent) at the top.

11. Multiple alternate personalities for sending, without having to
create fake accounts.

12. An option for sending without saving attachments in the Sent folder
(assuming the message is not signed of course). Also deletion of
attachments from received mail.

13. Make "Hide Read messages" a toggle, like "Hide Deleted messages". Or
(less radical) a keyboard accelerator for hiding read messages. I use
this a *lot* for some folders.

and last but definitely not least:

14. A real manual. Not a tutorial. An actual user-readable reference
manual that's kept in synch with Evo versions.

I'm sure I can think of more, and no doubt others have their favourites
too. For example all my requests are to do with mail as I never use Evo
for anything else. Note that I've registered a number of these with
Bugzilla going back a few years in some cases, and no dice so far.


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