> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "James White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: evolution-list@gnome.org
> Subject: Re: [Evolution] evolution and large mails
> Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 10:03:29 -0400
> On Wed, 2006-06-07 at 01:17 -0400, Igor A. Nesterov wrote:
> > I am not here on this forum to give advices, but in my opinion for
> > people not accustomed to fixing and troubleshooting software it would be
> > a good idea to switch to Thunderbird. It's not to say that Thunderbird
> > is "better". But from my own experience it is a way more stable and
> > mature application. Which is probably the biggest point for you, isn't
> > it?
> Great point.  I have spent years supporting users in an Outlook/Exchange
> environment and I can tell you that life is no simpler there.  Different
> problems sometimes - but just as difficult.
> When you choose to use the big features of the big tools - you need to
> have access to someone who really understands the systems or you end up
> lost.
> I, too, can strongly recommend Thunderbird as the best email client for
> a "normal" user trying to go it on their own.

Interesting comments, thanks. I have recently started using Ubuntu Linux after 
about 12 years on Windows running my small business with a few networked PCs. I 
know little about computers and software but I managed without external support 
during that time, using Win95 then Win98 and learning what I needed as 
necessary from books and the Web.

But I'm unusual as a Windows user in that I've never used Outlook Express. I 
used Turnpike email software which was developed by a small company called 
Turnpike in the UK and provided by my ISP (Demon Internet) as part of their 
package. Turnpike was very quirky and nothing like Outlook or Evolution but it 
has never let me down in about 8 years even though it has accumulated about 
6000 email messages/attachments on each PC, from all over the world and with 
all sorts of content. Being quirky, it also helped protect me from security 

So I guess I have been spoilt by this experience. I got my Evolution problem 
solved through this mailing list but it was fortunate that at this time I am 
still running a PC with Turnpike and had access to my mail during the problem. 
I may well install Thunderbird as well as Evolution for a time and see (a) how 
well Evo continues to perform and (b) how well Thunderbird suits me. I was 
using Evo because it comes as default with Ubuntu and I'm trying to stay with 
the default packages where possible.


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