On Fri, 2007-04-20 at 12:47 +1000, Anthony I. Scott wrote:
> I am using Evolution 2.6.1 on Ubuntu 6.06. When reading my emails, I
> like to print them off to read the longer ones later on. However, in
> some emails there are a lot of detail at the end of the email I do not
> wish to print off. I try to use the feature which allows me to select
> pages I want. Evolution does not recognise this selection and prints the
> whole email!
> Is there a way to fix this issue? Is it an Evolution problem or more
> generally an Ubuntu CUPS problem?

It's an Evolution problem, even in the most recent 2.10.x releases.
Evolution doesn't do pagination correctly, and therefore can't honor the
user's request to print only a subset of pages.  This applies to both
email and contact lists, unfortunately.

I happen to be currently working on this and other printing issues and
hope to get the matter resolved in time for the Evolution 2.12 release
later this year.  In the meantime, you might try printing to a PDF file
by choosing "Print to File" in the Print dialog, and then using
something like Evince to print your custom page ranges.

Matthew Barnes

Evolution-list mailing list

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