I'd be very happy to work with any evolution developer to get caldav 

We've had partial success with Evolution and CalDAV and I'd like to see 
that taken furtehr

Pete Biggs wrote:
> I gave up on Evo and CalDAV a few versions back - I got Evo 2.6 & Cosmo
> (either 0.1 or 0.3, can't remember) to play ball, but since either or
> both got upgraded it's never worked.  I've tried other CalDAV servers
> (such as Bedework) with varying degrees of success - and it's not always
> or uniquely Evo's fault - I've had similar results with Sunbird, but
> nothing consistent to indicate a particular server or particular client
> is good or bad, or more or less broken. (Except at the moment I can't
> get Evo to do *anything* sensible!)
> Evo developers seem to be concentrating their efforts on trying to
> shoe-horn Exchange interoperability into the code by reverse engineering
> proprietary protocols rather getting Evo to work properly with open
> source servers that are standards based.  That's their call and I do not
> wish to express an opinion as to whether it is right or wrong :-)
> Evo developers in the past have said that it is their intention to
> revisit the CalDAV code and get it working again - but I seem to
> remember the target was version 2.14 or 2.16, so don't hold your breath.
> If you value your sanity, give up on CalDAV for the time being, and
> think of a work around - I know I did!
> P.
>> Using the CalDAV plugin, Evolution v2.10.2 fails to fetch calendar
>> events from the  Cosmo (Chandler) calendar server. It also fails to
>> create events even though read/write permissions ticket is granted with
>> the error "Calendar is read-only". It is clear that Evolution claims
>> full CalDAV support [ http://tinyurl.com/2rz3cs ]
>> >From the logs, it is clear that there are no authentication issues or
>> CalDAV URL issues as a GET statement operates to fetch the ics. Further
>> the logs indicate that Evolution has been fed with the information
>> correctly.
>> I filed a bug for Cosmo (Chandler) server here:
>> https://bugzilla.osafoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9813 However, as you
>> can see in comment #3, it has been suggested that I ask the evolution
>> team for help. It has been suggested that the error is untracable from
>> the Cosmo end as the logs indicate nothing suspicious. Hence, please do
>> not dismiss this as a Cosmo (Chandler) issue. The Cosmo and Evolution
>> teams must work together to resolve this issue.
>> For your information, the full logs from Cosmo server are attached as a
>> plain text file.
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Mike Douglass                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer
Communication & Collaboration Technologies
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