On Mon, 2007-09-03 at 09:26 +0100, Peter Saffrey wrote:
> OK, that last problem has been fixed and Evolution now starts
> properly. I have no idea why that library was not present as it should
> be, but now it is. 

I suspect it was related to the problem with evo install failing.  This
is still present, although now it's failing because of scrollkeeper
permissions errors instead of incorrectly installed shared libs.

> However, Evo still isn't quite working for me. This time, it's the
> Exchange configuration. At the receiving messages stage, I do not get
> all the entry boxes I need to fill in the necessary details. I've
> attached a screenshot of the dialog that I get.

Unfortunately, your mail client encapsulated the screenshot in ms-tnef
(Microsoft Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format) which is a
proprietary Microsoft encapsulation format that I don't have a decoder
for on my Linux system.  So, I can't see it.  Maybe you could convince
your mail client to use a standards based encoding such as base64 or

I don't remember what version of Evo you were using before, but note
that newer versions have a significantly simpler screen for entering
Exchange account information.  Basically you'll be asked only for two
things: a username and a URL; if that's what you're seeing then this is
absolutely correct and not a bug.


 Paul D. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Find some GNU make tips at:
 http://www.gnu.org                      http://make.mad-scientist.us
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
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