On Fri, 2007-10-26 at 08:04 -0600, Todd Ness wrote:
> > Pkill just searches for all processes of the current user which match
> > the leading pattern evolution and kills them.
> > 
> > evolution --force-shutdown kills
> > evolution
> > evolution-data-server
> > evolution-exchange
> > evolution-alarm-notify
> > 
> > In this case there isnt much of a difference since you probably
> > dont have any other application called evolution-* which is
> > running but is unrelated to evolution.
> > 
> > Its fairly straightforward to see that using evolution --force-shutdown
> > is a much safer bet.
> > 
> > Hope that helps.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Shreyas
> the -f flag matches on the entire command line. yes the
> --force-shutdown, any how I just used this option and it has the added
> benefit that it restarts evolution for you so a much better plan (I
> think)

AFAIK "--force-shutdown" does not restart Evo automatically. I've
certainly never seen it do this. It justs shuts it down.

> The real question is why does evolution have so many problems? I restart
> 10-15 times a day.
> First I thought it might be a problem with the exchange option of
> "synchronize for offline usage" I won't try to get the exact wording
> because that is what caused evolution to hang for 5 minutes during the
> last reply. 
> Why did I think this? because most of the time the status bar would get
> a "Retrieving message 1234123421..." and a "Downloading for offline
> usage..." the text may be off some on these I apologize if that is the
> case.
> So, I turned this off and well it was better for a couple of hours and
> then it was back to the same old problems no mail showing up. can't
> change to a different folder.
> Although I do get a new error dialog more often, "Can't refresh folder,"
> and a few "Could not contact server", "lost contact with backend
> exchange process", but these do not all of these require restarts.
> Filters on exchange 2.12.0 seem to have stopped working whereas they
> worked on 2.8, but that was much worse about staying connected and
> getting new mail.
> Then I submit questions and get no answers, but, I have found out that
> if I submit a slightly wrong answer for somebody I do generate replies,
> and I appreciate Patrick correcting my mistakes, I will not make the
> same ones again.

I'm not an Evo devel, just a user of several years' experience with this
software. I generally butt in when I happen to know the answer or see
some ambiguity in someone else's. Sorry if that's irritating at times,
but I know what it's like to ask questions and get no answers. I posted
one a while back about periodic freezing of the Evo UI, which I would
have expected to generate some reaction, but either no-one else is
seeing this, or I wasn't sufficiently clear, or there isn't enough data
for a meaningful answer. In any case it's still happening, literally
while I type this.

What you might try doing is setting "export CAMEL_DEBUG=all" and running
Evo from the command line. That will generate many many debug messages
which might help to track down the problem.


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