Well, I've been very excited to see Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) about to
be released, because I've been so pleased with the current version of
Evo and in particular, Evo Exchange and all the improvements in
stability etc. that have been made over the last year or so.  As you
know I've been building Evo from SVN fairly regularly and these versions
really run well on my systems (32bit Intel, one hyperthreaded one not).
They are fast, stable, and reliable (with the one glaring exception of
to atrocious timezone handling bug).  I'm eager for people to be able to
enjoy this new version.

So, last week I took one of the systems I've been temporarily using
(Intel 64bit dual core), resized the partition, and installed Ubuntu
Hardy beta, 64bit.

I regret to say that Evolution (in particular Exchange, because I didn't
try any other servers) is a complete disaster as it currently stands on
this system.

I can't keep it running and connected to my Exchange server for more
than a few hours at best, and often it won't stay up for more than a few
minutes.  The Exchange backend is dying (but no cores that I can see and
no messages in the logs), and then I get the dreaded "lost connection
with backend server".  E-D-S goes into infinite loops and sucks up 100%
of one of the CPUs.

I don't know if it's 64bit machines (are others with 64bit systems
having issues with Evolution?), the particular build that Ubuntu is
doing of Evolution, or what in the heck is going on but this is far and
away the least stable, most unusable version of Evolution I've used
since 2.4 or even earlier.

Unless something radical happens in the next few weeks to resolve all
these problems, I regret to say that this Ubuntu Long-Term Support
release will not be anywhere close to ready to deploy in an enterprise

 Paul D. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Find some GNU make tips at:
 http://www.gnu.org                      http://make.mad-scientist.us
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
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