On Fri, 2008-06-27 at 09:12 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-06-27 at 09:46 +0200, Svante Signell wrote:
> > On Thu, 2008-06-26 at 15:19 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > 2) In .evolution/cache/ I currently have 100MB, mainly contained in the
> > html subdirectory. Is there a way to clear this cache from evolution.
> > Have not found such option yet. What about just removing the files
> > under .../cache/html/??/ and .../cache/tmp?
> Just remove them. Evo will recreate anything it needs.

Under html there are a number of subdirectories: 00/ 01/ etc, can I
remove these too?

> > 3) Is it possible to specify another tmp directory than
> > under .evolution?
> AFAIK not directly (though gconf-editor might be a way). However you can
> create a temp directory somewhere else and place a symbolic link to it
> where Evo expects to find it. Be sure to stop Evo completely (evolution
> --force-shutdown) before doing this.

OK, a symbolic link seems to be the best choice.

> > 4) Can I edit the mbox folders manually, e.g. in emacs. I've done so
> > successfully before but it seems to be somewhat risky.
> Yes, although it will mess up the index files, but you can remove these
> and Evo will recreate them. Again, use --force-shutdown to stop Evo
> before doing this. However if you don't have enough space for an
> expunge, I don't see how you're going to be able to edit large mbox
> files, since an expunge is essentially just that.

I moved the file to somewhere I had space, edited the file and moved it

> > 5) Where can I find a description of the set of files for each folder,
> > e.g. Inbox, Inbox.cmeta, Inbox.ev-summary, Inbox.ev-summary-meta,
> > Inbox.ibex.index, Inbox.ibex.index.data
> > Why so many sub-files in addition to the main one Inbox?
> Offhand I can't point you to a unified description of all
> this, but http://www.go-evolution.org/Main_Page might be a place to
> start.

Thanks for the pointer. I'll take a look.

> poc

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