Posted a bug report:

On 6/30/08, Jamie Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Evo 2.22.2 (2.22.2-0ubuntu2)
>  When i get an outlook/exchange meeting invite and accept it, it's not
>  sending the organizer my acceptance, but just puts it in my calendar.
>  Could you help me figure out what's going on and how to fix?
>  I could swear that past Evo invite presentations have shown me a
>  "notify organizer" sort of thing, but maybe I'm hallucinating.
>  Here are the current options. When I accept, the organizer gets no
>  notice, so they think I'm ignoring invites.
>  *Show Time as Free
>  *Open Calendar
>  *Decline
>  *Tentative
>  *Accept
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