On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 12:36 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 17:50 +0100, Thomas Mittelstaedt wrote:
> > Why don't you check out the bleeding edge version. Just grab the
> > Makefile at http://mad-scientist.us/Makefile
> > and do a 'make all'. It will check out the latest subversion trunk
> > version, configure, build and install it to /opt/evo. 
> > I do that for several months now and it works very well.
> Unfortunately Paul's Makefile only works for Ubuntu and Debian.
> poc
> _______________________________________________
> Evolution-list mailing list
> Evolution-list@gnome.org
> http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/evolution-list

i use it on gentoo ---

my slightly mod'd version is attached

you can do a diffs against the original from the website.

#!/usr/bin/make -f
# Build (debuggable) Evo from SVN
# Run "make help" for some help, or see the comments below.
# Requires GNU make 3.80 or better.
# Author: 	Paul Smith <psm...@gnu.org>
# Version:	2.12
# Date:		29 May 2008
# --------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Paul Smith
# This Makefile is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# You should have a copy of the GNU General Public License on your system.
# If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# --------------------------------------------------
# You can look here for more/alternate information:
#   http://www.go-evolution.org/Compiling_Evolution_from_SVN
# Enhancements/suggestions provided by:
#   Patrick Ohly <patrick.o...@gmx.de>

# ======================================================================

# By default we build for Ubuntu (I'm testing on Ubuntu 8.04).
# If you want to build for another distro, see if it's listed in the DISTROS
# variable (currently only Debian & Ubuntu releases are listed) and, if so,
# change "DISTRO" to your distro.  You can do this in local.mk to avoid
# changing this makefile.
# If your distro is not supported, you can set "distro" to empty and the check
# for prerequisite packages will be skipped.  Of course, if you don't have all
# the proper development packages installed the build will fail.

# ======================================================================
# vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv User Customization vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

# Feel free to change these if you like

# What branch to work with.  If not set, we use the trunk.  Close to a
# release, however, you might prefer to use the pending release.
# E.g.:
#   BRANCH := 2.20

# Where to install Evo.  DO NOT use /usr here for any system controlled by a
# package manager (rpm, dpkg)
PREFIX :=	/opt/evo

# Where to build objects.  Currently not all packages work properly outside of
# their own directories, even though the GNU coding standards require it.
OBJDIR :=	obj
#OBJDIR :=	.

# What distro you use, for checking that all prerequisite packages for a
# successful build are installed.  The currently supported distros are
# listed in the DISTROS variable below.
# If yours is not one of these, set this to empty and take your chances!
distro :=

# Comment this out if you don't want to use ccache
CCACHE :=	ccache

# Set this to empty if you want to see the rules being run
V :=		@

# Enable/disable optional packages

ENABLE_gtkhtml :=	y
ENABLE_exchange :=	y
ENABLE_webcal :=	y

# You can override the above by creating local.mk setting these vars
# if you don't want to modify this makefile.

-include local.mk

# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ User Customization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# ======================================================================

# ----- << You don't need to touch anything below here!! >> -----
# ----- << (unless you really know what you're doing...) >> -----

# These are the prerequisite packages needed on the system before we can build
# Evo.  There are different ways to check for them, based on distro.

DISTROS :=	feisty gutsy hardy etch

feisty-PREREQS := \
		gtk-doc-tools subversion flex bison build-essential \
		libldap2-dev libnss-dev libnspr-dev libgail-dev evolution-dev \
		icon-naming-utils $(CCACHE)

gutsy-PREREQS := \
		gtk-doc-tools subversion flex bison build-essential \
		libssl-dev libldap2-dev libnss3-dev libnspr4-dev libgail-dev \
		evolution-dev icon-naming-utils libdbus-glib-1-dev \

hardy-PREREQS := \
		gtk-doc-tools subversion flex bison build-essential \
		libldap2-dev libnss3-dev libsoup2.4-dev libenchant-dev \
		gnome-common evolution-dev \

etch-PREREQS := \
		gtk-doc-tools subversion flex bison build-essential \
		libssl-dev libldap2-dev libnss3-dev libnspr4-dev \
		libgail-dev evolution-dev icon-naming-utils gnome-doc-utils \

# These are the packages we need to build from SVN, and any config/make/etc.
# customized options we need to provide.

PACKAGE_gtkhtml-y	:= gtkhtml
PACKAGE_exchange-y	:= evolution-exchange
PACKAGE_webcal-y	:= evolution-webcal

# glib libsoup libbonobo
		$(PACKAGE_gtkhtml-$(ENABLE_gtkhtml)) \
		evolution-data-server evolution \
		$(PACKAGE_exchange-$(ENABLE_exchange)) \

CONFIG_OPTS =	--prefix='$(PREFIX)'

CCACHE_DIR :=	$(CURDIR)/ccache

PKG_CONFIG_PATH := $(PREFIX)/lib/pkgconfig:$(PREFIX)/share/pkgconfig:$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH)



ifneq ($(LINGUAS),)
  export LINGUAS

# ----- Per-package configuration and build options
# Each package can have any or all of these variables set:
#   <pkg>_PREREQS
#   <pkg>_CONFIG_VARS
#   <pkg>_CONFIG_OPTS
#   <pkg>_BUILD_VARS
#   <pkg>_BUILD_OPTS
#   <pkg>_INSTALL_VARS
#   <pkg>_INSTALL_OPTS
# The _PREREQS value lists packages that are (make) prerequisites.
# The _*_VARS values are environment variable settings for that stage.
# The _*_OPTS values are command line options for that stage.
# Only the variables with any values are listed here.

libsoup_PREREQS := glib

libbonobo_PREREQS := glib

gtkhtml_PREREQS := glib libsoup libbonobo

evolution-data-server_PREREQS := glib gvfs libsoup libbonobo gtkhtml
evolution-data-server_CONFIG_OPTS = \
	--with-openldap=yes --enable-gnome-keyring=yes --with-e2k-debug \

# I decided to disable scrollkeeper since otherwise Evolution will try
# to register it, and this requires root privileges.
# --enable-nss=yes --enable-smime=yes --enable-plugins=all --enable-plugins=experimental \
CONFIG_exchange-y	:= --enable-exchange=yes
evolution_PREREQS	:= glib libsoup libbonobo gtkhtml evolution-data-server
evolution_CONFIG_OPTS =	\
	--with-openldap=yes --enable-nntp=yes --enable-ipv6=yes \
	--enable-nss=yes --enable-smime=yes --enable-plugins=all \
	--enable-cairo-calendar=yes --enable-imap4=yes --with-e2k-debug \
	--disable-scrollkeeper $(CONFIG_exchange-$(ENABLE_exchange)) \

evolution-exchange_PREREQS := glib libsoup libbonobo evolution-data-server evolution
evolution-exchange_CONFIG_OPTS = \
	--with-openldap=yes --with-e2k-debug \

evolution-webcal_PREREQS := glib libsoup libbonobo evolution-data-server evolution
evolution-webcal_CONFIG_OPTS = \

# -----

STAMPDIR :=	.stamp

ifeq ($(OBJDIR),.)
  OBJPATH =	$*
  SRCPATH =	../../$*

# Commands

CC :=		$(strip $(CCACHE) gcc)
CP :=		cp -p
CPDIR :=	cp -a
DPKG :=		dpkg
ECHO :=		echo
LINK :=		ln -s
MKDIR :=	mkdir -p
RM :=		rm -f
RMDIR :=	rm -rf
SED :=		sed
SUDO :=		sudo
SVN :=		svn
TOUCH :=	touch
UNPACK :=	tar xjf
WGET :=		wget


# How to get things from SVN

SVNROOTURL :=	http://svn.gnome.org/svn

# Compute the SVN version path
# If it's empty, assume the trunk
# If it contains a "/", use it as-is
# Otherwise, convert it into a branch name using the standard GNOME format.

# Default branches for various distros; older distros can't always build
# newer branches
BRANCH_feisty	:= 2.20

ifeq ($(BRANCH),)

ifeq ($(BRANCH),)
  SVNPATH :=	trunk
  BRANCH :=	trunk
  ifeq ($(notdir $(BRANCH)),$(BRANCH))
    SVNPATH :=	branches/gnome-$(subst .,-,$(BRANCH))
  branch :=	branch $(BRANCH)


# Make sure we look in the new location for apps
PATH :=		$(PREFIX)/bin:$(PATH)
export PATH

# Create the prefix directory if needed.
# This could be done as an order-only prereq or something, but if we do it
# here then the user is asked for a password up-front, rather than halfway
# through the build when they've gone out for more tea.

$(shell if [ -d '$(PREFIX)' ] || $(MKDIR) '$(PREFIX)' 2>/dev/null; then \
          :; \
        else \
          $(ECHO) "Need root to create directory $(PREFIX)." 1>&2; \
          $(ECHO) "Please enter YOUR password when asked (for sudo)." 1>&2; \
          $(SUDO) $(MKDIR) '$(PREFIX)' && $(SUDO) chown '$(USER)' '$(PREFIX)';\

# aclocal throws up if this doesn't exist... bogus!
$(shell [ -d '$(PREFIX)/share/aclocal' ] || $(MKDIR) '$(PREFIX)/share/aclocal')

# Make stamp and obj directories early, so make doesn't throw out patterns
# for them.
$(shell $(MKDIR) '$(CURDIR)/$(STAMPDIR)' '$(CURDIR)/obj')

STAMPTYPES :=	update patch config build install

# ----- all target

# All means everything is installed
.PHONY: all install update help
all: install $(PREFIX)/bin/evolution-svn $(PREFIX)/bin/evolution-env
install: $(patsubst %,$(STAMPDIR)/%.install,$(PACKAGES))

update: $(patsubst %,$(STAMPDIR)/%.update,$(PACKAGES))

	$(SED) -n 's/^#h://p' < Makefile

# Make sure none of the targets are considered intermediate
.PRECIOUS: $(foreach X,$(STAMPTYPES),$(STAMPDIR)/%.$X) \
	   $(addsuffix /.svn,$(PACKAGES))

# ----- install script wrappers

$(PREFIX)/bin/evolution-%: Makefile
	$V $(MKDIR) -p '$(@D)' \
		&& $(SED) -n -e 's|^#$*:||p' < '$<' \
		     | $(SED) -e 's|@PREFIX@|$(PREFIX)|' \
			      -e 's|@PKG_CONFIG_PATH@|$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH)|' \
			      -e 's|@LD_LIBRARY_PATH@|$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)|' \
                     > '$@' \
		&& chmod 0755 '$@' \
		&& echo "Installed $@"

# ----- final setup operations

# Make sure camel-lock-helper has the right privs for handling email
	$V $(ECHO) "Setting mail helper privileges (may require $(SUDO)!)"; \
	   ls -1 $(PREFIX)/libexec/camel-lock-helper-* \
	     | while read helper; do \
		 [ -f "$$helper" ] || continue; \
		 case `stat --format="%G:%A" "$$helper"` in \
		    mail:??????s???) : all set ;; \
		    *) $(SUDO) chgrp mail "$$helper" \
			 && $(SUDO) chmod g+s "$$helper" ;; \
		 esac; \

# ----- install SVN workspaces

$(STAMPDIR)/%.install: $(STAMPDIR)/%.build | $(PREFIX)
	$V [ -d '$(PREFIX)/etc/gconf' ] || $(MKDIR) '$(PREFIX)/etc/gconf'
	$V cd '$(OBJPATH)' \
			$(MAKE) install $(INSTALL_OPTS) $($*_INSTALL_OPTS)

# ----- build SVN workspaces

$(STAMPDIR)/%.build: $(STAMPDIR)/%.config
	$V cd '$(OBJPATH)' \
		&& $(BUILD_VARS) $($*_BUILD_VARS) \

# ----- configure SVN workspaces

_CONFIG = $(MKDIR) '$(OBJPATH)/' && cd '$(OBJPATH)' \
		    '$(SRCPATH)/autogen.sh' $(CONFIG_OPTS) $($*_CONFIG_OPTS)

# We don't use the stamp files here because if we do, it will cause all the
# prerequisite information at the end to come into play.

$(STAMPDIR)/%.config: $(STAMPDIR)/%.patch
	$V $(_CONFIG)

# ----- patch SVN workspaces

$(STAMPDIR)/%.patch: $(STAMPDIR)/%.update

# ----- update SVN workspaces

getsvnrev = `$(SVN) info $(1) | $(SED) -n 's/^Revision: \([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/p'`

getsvninfo = eval `$(SVN) info $(2) | $(SED) -n -e 's/^Revision: \([0-9][0-9]*\).*/$(1)rev="\1"/p' -e 's/^URL: \(http:.*\)/$(1)url="\1"/p'`

$(STAMPDIR)/%.update: %/.svn FORCE | check-prereqs-$(DISTRO)
	$V pkg='$*'; cd "$$pkg" \
		&& $(call getsvninfo,repo,$(SVNPKGURL)) \
		&& $(call getsvninfo,work,) \
		&& if [ "$$workrev:$$workurl" = "$$reporev:$$repourl" ]; then \
			$(ECHO) "No SVN update needed for $$pkg."; \
			[ -f '$(STAMPFILE)' ] || $(MKSTAMP); \
		   else \
			$(ECHO) ">>>> Updating package $$pkg from SVN:"; \
			$(SVN) switch $(SVNPKGURL) \
			    && $(SVN) update \
			    && $(MKSTAMP); \

	@ $(ECHO) ">>>> Checking out package $* from SVN:"
	$V pkg='$*'; $(SVN) checkout $(SVNPKGURL) "$$pkg"
	@ $(TOUCH) '$(CURDIR)/$(STAMPDIR)/$*.update'

.PHONY: check-update
	@for pkg in $(PACKAGES); do \
	   ( \
	     cd "$$pkg"; \
	     $(call getsvninfo,repo,$(SVNPKGURL)); \
	     $(call getsvninfo,work,); \
	     if [ "$$workrev" = "$$reporev" ]; then \
		$(ECHO) ">>>> No SVN update needed for $$pkg."; \
	     else \
		$(ECHO) ">>>> $$pkg has SVN updates available:"; \
		if [ "$$workurl" = "$$repourl" ]; then \
		   $(SVN) status -q -u; \
		else \
		   $(ECHO) "-> On $(BRANCH).  Use 'make update'."; \
		fi; \
	     fi; \
	   ); \

.PHONY: check-changelog
	@for pkg in $(PACKAGES); do \
	   ( \
	     cd "$$pkg"; \
	     $(call getsvninfo,repo,$(SVNPKGURL)); \
	     $(call getsvninfo,work,); \
	     if [ "$$workrev" = "$$reporev" ]; then \
		$(ECHO) ">>>> No SVN update needed for $$pkg."; \
	     else \
		$(ECHO) ">>>> $$pkg has SVN updates available:"; \
		if [ "$$workurl" != "$$repourl" ]; then \
		   $(ECHO) "-> On $(BRANCH).  Use 'make update'."; \
		else \
		   log="/tmp/svnstatus.log.$$$$"; \
		   $(SVN) status -q -u 2>&1 | tee "$$log"; \
		   sort "$$log" \
		     | while read stat rev fn; do \
			 case $$fn in \
			   ChangeLog|*/ChangeLog) \
				$(ECHO) ">>>> $$pkg: $(SVN) diff -r $$rev:HEAD $$fn"; \
				$(SVN) diff -r "$$rev:HEAD" "$$fn" ;; \
			 esac; \
		       done; \
		   $(RM) "$$log"; \
		fi; \
	     fi; \
	   ); \

# ----- create SVN workspaces

# ----- check packages

# This is for DPKG systems.  Someone else will have to write the
# equivalent RPM code.
.PHONY: check-prereqs check-prereqs- check-prereqs-ubuntu
check-prereqs: check-prereqs-$(DISTRO)
	@$(ECHO) "Cannot verify system package prerequisites."; \
	 $(ECHO) "I'm trying to build anyway..."; \
	 $(ECHO) "  Good luck!!"

	@$(ECHO) "Unsupported distro: '$*'.  Choose one of:"; \
	 for d in $(DISTROS); do $(ECHO) "    $$d"; done; \
	 $(ECHO) "Or to force a build, set 'distro' empty in the makefile."; \
	 exit 1

$(addprefix check-prereqs-,$(DISTROS)): check-prereqs-%:
	@log="/tmp/evo-chk-prereqs.$$$$" \
	  && $(RM) "$$log" \
	  && $(TOUCH) "$$log" \
	  && $(DPKG) -l $(sort $($*-PREREQS)) \
		| while read s n rest; do \
		    case $$s in \
			ii) echo "$$n" >> "$$log" ;; \
			[a-z][a-z]) \
			    echo "Package $$n not installed (state $$s)" ;; \
		    esac; \
		  done; \
	num=`wc -l < "$$log"`; \
	$(RM) "$$log"; \
	if [ "$$num" != "$(words $(sort $($*-PREREQS)))" ]; then \
	    $(ECHO); \
	    $(ECHO) "Not all prerequisites are installed!"; \
	    $(ECHO) "Use 'aptitude install ...' on the above missing packages."; \
	    $(ECHO); \
	    exit 1; \

# ----- cleanup

.PHONY: clean shinyclean superclean
ifeq ($(OBJDIR),.)
	for pkg in $(PACKAGES); do \
	    (cd $$pkg && $(MAKE) clean); \

ifneq ($(OBJDIR),.)

superclean: shinyclean

# Clean out the builtin database

# ----- ordering

# These ensure that packages are built in the correct order.  In general,
# we can't do the config until after we've installed the previous packages.
# Technically, we don't really need to reconfig after every install: most of
# the time it would be enough to rebuild after the install; however, there's
# no good way to make that work all the time, unless we had perfect
# prerequisite declarations (knowing which installed files actually would
# require a reconfig vs. a rebuild for example).

# Generate prerequisites, but don't depend on packages we don't build
prereqs = $(STAMPDIR)/$(1).config : $(patsubst %,$(STAMPDIR)/%.install,$(filter $($(1)_PREREQS),$(PACKAGES)))

$(call prereqs,glib)
$(call prereqs,libsoup)
$(call prereqs,gtkhtml)
$(call prereqs,evolution-data-server)
$(call prereqs,evolution)
$(call prereqs,evolution-exchange)
$(call prereqs,evolution-webcal)

# ---- END OF MAKEFILE ----

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the content of evolution-env.  It's extracted by sed.

#env:# Put this file in your PATH and/or invoke it directly.
#env:# - Sets up the environment for running the compiled version of
#env:#   Evolution and compiling programs against it.
#env:# - Runs the program on the command line (if one given) or a bash
#env:#   shell.
#env:case ":$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:" in
#env:    *":$pkgconfig:"*) : ok ;;
#env:    *)  PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$pkgconfig${PKG_CONFIG_PATH:+:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH}"
#env:        export PKG_CONFIG_PATH ;;
#env:case ":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:" in
#env:    *":$ldlibrary:"*) : ok ;;
#env:    *)  LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$ldlibrary${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
#env:        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH ;;
#env:case ":$PATH:" in
#env:    *":$prefix/bin:$prefix/libexec:"*) : ok ;;
#env:    *)  PATH="$prefix/bin:$prefix/libexec:$PATH"
#env:        export PATH ;;
#env:exec "${@:-${SHELL:-/bin/bash}}"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the content of evolution-svn.  It's extracted by sed.

#svn:# Put this file in your PATH and/or invoke it directly.
#svn:# - Enables full debugging (note!  Privacy concerns!)
#svn:# - Enables core dumps (ulimit)
#svn:# - Creates a new log directory for this instance of Evo
#svn:# - Cd's there to keep everything related to this run together
#svn:# You should clean out those log directories occasionally.
#svn:# Set up debugging.  Remember EVERYTHING!
#svn:export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/opt/evo/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS
#svn:export EDITOR=gvim
#svn:# Allow for core dumps.
#svn:ulimit -c unlimited
#svn:# All our email is dumped with debugging, so set restrictive permissions
#svn:umask 0077
#svn:# Create a directory just for this run
#svn:logdir="$prefix/log/`date '+%Y%m%d.%H%M%S'`"
#svn:mkdir -p "$logdir"
#svn:cd "$logdir" || exit 1
#svn:# Run it
#svn:while [ -e "$logdir/evo.log.$i" ]; do
#svn:   i=`expr $i + 1`
#svn:exec "$prefix/bin/evolution-env" "$prefix/bin/evolution" "$@" >"$logdir/evo.log.$i" 2>&1

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is some help.  Run "make help" to read it  most easily.

#h:Makefile for building Evolution from SVN
#h:all		[Default] Check out, configure, compile, install the various
#h:		components necessary to build Evolution from SVN.
#h:update		Perform SVN updates of all the checked out components.
#h:check-update	Check whether there are new updates in the SVN repository.
#h:		Doesn't check anything out.
#h:check-changelog	Check whether there are new updates, AND show the ChangeLog
#h:		diffs.
#h:check-prereqs	Verify that the packages needed for the build are installed.
#h:clean		For each source package, "make clean"
#h:shinyclean	Remove the source packages completely
#h:superclean	Remove the source packages AND the installed Evolution
#h:You can create a makefile "local.mk" in the same directory that contains the
#h:Makefile.  This file, if it exists, can contain one or more of the following
#h:PREFIX		The directory in which to install Evolution.
#h:		Must NOT be /usr!
#h:DISTRO		The GNU/Linux distribution you're running.  This helps the
#h:		Makefile check for the right packages before starting the
#h:		build.  Currently supported are "feisty", "gutsy", "hardy", and
#h:		"etch" (Debian).  You can also set it to empty and hope for the best.
#h:BRANCH		The SVN label or branch to build.  If you don't set this then
#h:		a distro-specific value is chosen: it uses the SVN trunk where
#h:		possible.
#h:CCACHE		Enable ccache (on by default).  If you don't want to use it,
#h:		set this to empty.
#h:ENABLE_exchange	Turn on Evolution Exchange support (on by default).  If you
#h:		don't want to build it, set this to "n" (or any non-"y"
#h:		value).
#h:ENABLE_webcal	Turn on Evolution Webcall support (on by default).  If you
#h:		don't want to build it, set this to "n" (or any non-"y"
#h:		value).
#h:LINGUAS		Restrict the number of translations built and installed to
#h:		those listed in this variable.
#h:local_PACKAGES	A list of extra packages you want to build.  These must be
#h:		"standard" Gnome packages kept on the Gnome SVN server and
#h:		using the normal build operations.  Common packages you might
#h:		want to list here are glib, libbonobo, and libsoup.
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