Hi list,

Second question in about as many minutes...I put it in a separate email
because it's not really related and I wanted to avoid conflating the

This problem concerns the order of preference of emails when these are
added to a Contact. I might expect that the "first" email (as entered in
the Contacts dialog) is the "preferred" email (e.g., displayed on the
Contact's address card when this is formatted in the list, first choice
for sending emails to); and that as you go to the second, third and
fourth email fields the priority goes down accordingly. But it seems
that in my installation the reverse is the case: that an email entered
in the last field takes precedence over fields 3, 2 and 1, with 1
apparently receiving the lowest priority (empty fields excepted). The
same may apply to phone numbers, though these aren't so obvious, since
(unlike emails) a person rarely has two or more home (or work, etc.)
phone numbers to rank in priority order.

I guess I'm asking the usual questions here.

1. Should this be the case? I'd think not from a
"making-sense-to-the-user" POV, but I know these things are sometimes a
matter of opinion.

2. If it shouldn't be the case, how easy would it be to fix it - if
that's not done already?

I'm running Evolution 2.26.1 on Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty).



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