How was your Back-up made? 
from withing Evolution, or just a copy of the folder?

personally, I use the internal back-up in Evolution to one file as
extra, and  use rsync to an external drive. 
Actually I do hat for my complete /home folder except my virtual

I run that every day, it will only add, change or delete the changes
after you have it executed once.It works really fast and has saved me
few times. 
I do this for my system partition too, and recovered not so long ago my
full system from it after my hard drive just died (not even spinning or
In less than 3 hrs My system was exact as it was before, including
settings (restoring the 200 gb of data, took more time than the actual
I know you can use disk image systems, but I like to have full control
over my data and able to see my backup data as it is. with the cost of
hard drives today, I don't need a compression and rather have a native
copy of the file available with all the permission settings kept in
tact. >> rsync does that for you.


sudo rsync -avuE --del --progress --exclude='.gvfs' --exclude='temp'
--exclude='.VirtualBox' /home/username/.  /media/archivemountpoint/

(username , your login user name, home folder)

if you are interested on simulating the archive options from outlook in
evolution, I've posted a blog that seems to work very well for me, and
keeps my database pretty lean. and will secure older data.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Ryshpan <>
Subject: [Evolution] Disaster strikes -- 4000 messages deleted
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 14:35:01 -0700

One of my important folders <Phred>, containing about 4000 messages, was
moved into a subfolder of another folder and all the messages in <Phred>
were deleted.  The messages are truly gone; unchecking "Hide Deleted
Messages" does not show them.

Fortunately I have a backup of my entire system as of just before this
disaster.  Is there some way to restore the contents of just this
folder, or (better) to merge in messages from the backup into the
current folder collection?

This may possibly be related to some maintenance I did on evolution just
before this happened, namely emptying the trash (File->Empty Trash) and
vacuuming the database (as shown at the bottom).  I am about to take a
brief look to see if any other folders have been similarly damaged.  All
my messages are on a local drive.  

Any help much appreciated - jon

========> vacuuming the database <========
cd ~/.evolution/mail/
for i in `find . -name folders.db`
        ls -lh $i
        echo "Rebuilding Table $i"
        sqlite3 $i "vacuum;"
        ls -lh $i

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