On Wed, 2009-09-02 at 19:42 -0500, C de-Avillez wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-09-03 at 08:17 +0800, Ng Oon-Ee wrote:
> > > Work offline should be transparent to the user.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > jay
> > 
> > Besides, there's already an indicator of 'work offline' (a disconnected
> > plug at the bottom-left). Its obvious what it means once you think to
> > look.
> I dispute the obvious part. It is *obvious* to those that know what to
> look for, *not* to the casual user. And, before you raise the issue, I
> am *NOT* a casual user.
> But it is not, by a long shot, obvious "once one thinks to look". Apart
> from the prejudice (from the latin, pre judice, "to judge in advance
> [before knowing the facts]"), your statement is overly aggressive,
> implying the original poster does (or did) not think, or want(ed) to.
> Please be more courteous. Everybody will enjoy more your knowledge this
> way. Also, please keep in mind those that know more are here to direct,
> instruct, and pass knowledge, to those that know less. In a nice way.
> And I think the original poster does have a point.
> Regards,

FWIW, I too was stymied by the unobviousness of this icon for a day
or so when I started using evolution.  I support the original poster's
suggestion.  Alternatively, the words "OFF LINE" (in red and translated
to national language if necessary) instead of that icon would be better.

George Reeke
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