On Tue, 2009-12-15 at 11:10 +0100, Patryk Benderz wrote:
> [cut]
> > You could forward them to an IMAP provider (such as Gmail or Fastmail)
> > and work from there.
> yea, but on the other hand, this would violate my corporate policies,
> thus this solution is not for me :(

In that case, the only solution is to run your own server inside the
corporate network.

*However*, on rereading the thread I realize I may have given you false
hope. Even with your own mail server, you cannot guarantee consistency
between multiple concurrent Evo instances. This is because IMAP doesn't
define the result of two or more clients accessing the same mailstore at
the same time. I don't mean you'll lose mail, but things that depend on
message state (such as filters) may behave strangely. You might be able
to get away with configuring all instances not to check for new mail
automatically, i.e. you do it yourself when sitting in front of them,
but even then you'd need to think about Evo not updating state info on
the mailstore without being forced to.

I use Evo at the office, at home and when travelling (as now). I take
care only to have one instance running at a time.


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