On Sat, 2010-03-27 at 08:20 -0400, Carpet Nailz wrote:
> A nice feature would be an easier way to enter over-midnight entries:
> that is, something that starts at 11pm and goes to12:30am. Right now, it
> seems that one has to change the day on the second part of the entry and
> the entry then goes into the "All Day Event" category. We're not really
> dealing with "all day" events here.

what are you doing exactly, please? I tried to do this, but I cannot
reproduce it. When a New Appointment window is shown to me, then I have
  Time: [ date ] [ time ] [ for ] [ X ] hours [ Y ] minutes
so I can set the time to 23:00 and the "for" to 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Even when I change the "for" to "until", which makes the line to appear
  Time: [ date ] [ time ] [ until ] [ date ] [ time ]
then changing the second date to the next day doesn't make the
appointment an "All day" event an actual master (~2.30.0).

What am I doing wrong and what is your evolution version, please?

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