On Wed, 2012-08-29 at 10:56 +0200, Paul Menzel wrote:
> It is not as easily anymore, if Jonathan has more than let’s say ten
> messages. So just using `rm` on the command line and telling Evolution
> to update something would save a lot of time I guess.
> Thanks,
> Paul

I used to have a filter that piped incoming email to this script.  If
the script returns 1 then process the message as infected.

It may very well need tweaking -- i've not used it in a long time.
the commented out fp calls write results out to a logfile -- usefull for
debugging and when you first start using it.  The commented puts calls
are there for when I cat'd emails in from the command line to test ala

       $ cat filename | rubyclamav.rb

The script

$ cat rubyclamav.rb 
require 'socket'
#fp = File.open("/var/log/rubyclamav/rubyoutclam_#{Process.pid}.log", "a")
sendSock = UNIXSocket.open('/var/run/clamav/clamd.sock')
#sendSock = UNIXSocket.open('/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl')
retStr = sendSock.gets
tag, val = retStr.split
sendSock1 =  TCPSocket.open('localhost',"#{val}")
####res = $stdin.read
retStr = sendSock.gets
pt = Time.now - START_TIME
####puts "#{retStr}"
#fp.write("ProcessTime = #{pt}\n")
if retStr.match("FOUND") then
        system("zenity --warning --title=\"Evolution: Virus detected\" 
--text=\"#{retStr}\" &")
    exit 1
    exit 0

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