On Wed, 2013-02-27 at 23:46 -0800, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
> After running Evolution under Gnome, then logging out and logging in
> under KDE, Evolution sends fine.  No box requesting a password after
> clicking "Send" message sent OK.  However after a restart, it's not
> possible for Evolution to send while running under KDE till it sends a
> message running under Gnome.  Kernel problem?  BTW: While Evolution is
> hanging while attempting to send, the yellow sending box shows at the
> top of the message.

evolution uses gnome-keyring for password, I guess it didn't start for
your KDE session, but GNOME made it running in the background. I've this
one running in my GNOME session:
   /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --daemonize --login
Try to add it to your KDE session as well.

With respect of freeze, I cannot tell, but it seems you are not the only
one seeing it.

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